Change Survey Title
To change your survey title simply click the survey title in the top header. This will put the survey title in edit mode so you can make whatever changes you wish to make to your survey's title.
Close a Survey
While on your SurveyGizmo Home Page, you can close your survey by clicking the ellipsis on the right-hand side of your survey and selecting Close Survey. From here you can also customize your clos...
Close a Survey from the Homepage
To quickly close your survey from your home page click the ellipsis on the right-hand side of your survey and select Close Survey. From here you can customize your close message and click Close Survey . In order to quickly close surveys from th...
Schedule a Survey to Close Automatically
Many surveys and projects have hard deadlines as to when the survey closes. Rather than logging into SurveyGizmo at 11:59 on the night before, you can automatically close your survey on a specified d
Change Survey Close Message
When you close your survey a message will display to potential respondents who access the link informing them that the survey is closed.
Redirect an Old Survey to a New Survey
Looking to close an old survey in favor of a new survey? You can use the URL Redirect Action to redirect one survey to another.
Archive a Survey
Archiving a survey is a great way to clean up your SurveyGizmo home page. When you archive a survey, this is what you can expect.
Delete a Survey
When initially deleted, surveys are placed in the trash (similar to your computer's trash/recycle bin). The surveys can then be permanently deleted from within the trash.
Restore a Deleted Survey
If you've mistakenly deleted a survey you can easily recover it by going to the Trash on the home page. The Trash will contain all survey that have been deleted, but not permanently deleted.
Permanently Delete Data
There are a couple of methods for permanently deleting your data from SurveyGizmo. You can permanently delete individual responses or permanently delete surveys.
Save and Continue
The Save & Continue Survey Setting adds an option for survey respondents to enter their email address to receive a link to return to their survey later.
Forward-Only Survey
For some projects you may not want your respondents to use the back button to change answers on previous pages. You can set up your survey as "forward only" which will remove the survey back button:
Set Up Duplicate Protection
If you would like to prevent duplicate responses to your survey, you can select either Cookie-Based or IP-Based duplicate protection. Before you choose an option it's best to review how each of th...
Anonymous Surveys
For many research projects, the ability to ensure survey respondents that their answers are anonymous is essential to the project's success. Anonymous surveys in SurveyGizmo do not store IP or geo-lo
Collect Identifying Information While Keeping Survey Data Anonymous
If you need your survey to be anonymous, but you also want to offer respondents an incentive for completing the survey, we have a workaround!
Redirect Respondents to a Website
A URL Redirect Action allows you to send your survey respondents to a website. It also gives you the ability to disqualify the respondent and can be used to pass variables to the destination website.
Section Navigator Action
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your account! The Section Navigator action allows you to group your survey into sections to make it easy for different respondents to complete different parts without...
Send Values Through the URL Redirect Action
The URL Redirect Action can be placed on any page following the first page of the survey to redirect survey respondents to a specified URL. As part of the URL Redirect, you can pass along data that pertains to that survey response. This includes d...
Question Numbering Customizations
SurveyGizmo surveys are designed to dynamically number survey questions. This means that for each survey respondent the questions are numbered sequentially regardless of logic. In most cases, this...
Login/Password Action
The Login/Password action allows you to set up access protection for your survey. Respondents will be required to log in to take your survey.
Include Login Action Credentials in an Email Campaign Message
You may want to include your survey respondents' login credentials in the body of the email message that they will be receiving.
Change Required Message Text
If you wish to change the text of your required error messages, navigate to Tools > Text & Translations. Here, you can customize text associated with a number of standard SurveyGizmo messages.
ReCAPTCHA Action: Validate Human Responses
ReCAPTCHA is a third-party service that adds a security measure to your survey to validate that the respondent is human and not a bot.
Set Up Response Data Encryption
All SurveyGizmo data is encrypted "at rest" at disk level. If you are looking for a further layer of security, the Response Data Encryption feature allows you to encrypt data at the application le...
Capture Time Spent on Survey or Page
Using our Hidden Value action you can capture both the time spent on the entire survey (in seconds) and/or the time spent (in seconds) on each page of your survey.
Page Timer: Limit Time Spent on Survey or Survey Page
Using the Page Timer you can set a time limit for a specific page in your survey, all pages in your survey or the entire survey.
Add Footer Text to Your Survey
To place footer text like the above in your survey go to Tools > Text & Translations and click your default language . On the Messages tab edit the Footer Text (HTML is supported). Enter your text and Save . HTML is supported in the su...
Branching: A/B Split Testing in Surveys
Using the Percent Branch action, you can assign a percentage of respondents to see a specific set of questions that differ from another branch's set of questions.
Automatically Submit Page
When building complex surveys with custom scripting or actions that need to fire after data are collected, you might need a page to automatically advance without showing to respondents.
Return Respondents to the Beginning of the Survey
There are a number of scenarios for which you might want to return survey respondents to the beginning of the survey so they can enter another response, e.g., 360 reviews, quizzes, etc.
Turn Off Question Numbers
To turn off question numbers go to Style > Text > Text Options and uncheck the option to Show Question Numbers. This will turn off question numbers in your live survey link.
Recurring Responses
Do you have a survey that you wish for the respondents to take repeatedly using the same link? Using Recurring Responses along with the SurveyGizmo unique identifier (SGUID) you can set this up.
Survey Toolbar
The Survey Toolbar allows you to enhance the survey taking experience for your respondents by adding Save and Continue, Language Menu, or Low Vision Mode functionality.
Permanently Delete Responses
Permanently Deleting individual responses is a multi-step process. All of a survey's responses can be viewed via Results > Individual Responses. It is important to note the differences between Deleti
Login/Password Action: Save and Continue Password
Use the Login Action to allow your survey respondents to save their progress in your survey via the Save and Continue Password feature.