Percent Branch in SurveyGizmo is a powerful tool that allows you to perform A/B Split Testing. Using the Percent Branch action, you can assign a percentage of respondents to see a specific set of questions that differ from another branch's set of questions.
Let's discuss a simple example with 2 branches. The survey contains 2 different image elements with your company's 2 logo finalists. The branching is set up to give each branch, and thus each logo, 50%: Group A would see logo 1 while Group B would only see logo 2; a coin flip chance.
Percent Branch must be on a prior page to the questions, or, in this case images, that will be branched. If you wish to hide questions on page 3, the Percent Branch action should be added to page 1 or 2.
1. On your survey's Build tab, click Add Action on the page you wish to add the Percent Branch.
2. Select Percent Branch from the list.
3. Your Percent Branch action will have a default Branch A (100%). You can set up up to 10 branches. At the bottom of the list of branches is the total percentage allocated across all the branches. Click Add to create a new branch.
4. Click on the branch name to edit that branch:
(a) Give your branch a name.
(b) Assign a percentage for that branch.
(c) Set up the Hide/Show and Require settings of the questions in the survey for this branch. Using branching you can assign the visibility of any element within a survey that follows the Percent Branch action in the survey:
Hide: Checking this box will make the element hidden from that group.
Show: Checking this box will display hidden by default elements to that group.
Require: Checking this box will set the question to required for this particular branch. If you are using require settings in branches be sure to leave questions unrequired in the question editor. The require option is available for questions only.
Hide and Show are not compatible, and if both are checked, Hide will take precedent. Typically, when setting up a Percent Branch, since all questions added to the survey are visible by default, you'll want to check the Hide column for any questions that should not be seen by that Branch. For instance, if there were four branches, then you would want check Hide for the three survey elements that would not be seen in that branch.
Remember, survey elements means more than simply questions in the survey, this also includes actions.
Reporting on Your Branches
Within each individual response the branch that was assigned will display.
Results can also be filtered or segmented on the branch in reports.
To filter by branch in Standard Reports click Add Filter > Create Advanced Filter and select your branch in the first dropdown menu. In the second menu, enter the exact text for your branch. This will filter your report to only show responses from the specified branch.
If you prefer to segment your report for all your branches click Add Segment > Create Advanced Segment. Give your segment a name, select a color and click Edit Logic. Select your branch in the first dropdown menu. In the second menu, enter the exact text for your branch. Repeat these steps to create a segment per branch. This will allow you to show all responses segmented by branch in your report.
Exporting Your Branch Data
For each response in CSV/Exports the Branch that was assigned will export by default.
- The Percent Branch action is not compatible with Piping.
- Please use extra care when using the percent branch action with logic in your surveys. Logic rules will override the percent branch show/hide settings. If you choose to use the percent branch in combination with logic we recommend testing thoroughly to ensure the survey is behaving as you intended.
- If you are using the Percent Branch Action in conjunction with Page Randomization, note that randomization is determined as soon as the response session is started. As such the page order will be determined prior to the Percent Branch Action being initiated. You should always place the Percent Branch Action on a page prior to any randomized pages.
- If one is utilizing Hidden value actions in the Percent Branch Action projects, the Percent Branch Action does not hide or show Hidden Value Actions that are submitted automatically via auto submitting pages.
What if the total of all branches does not equal 100%?
If you were to setup a 3 branch split of 33% per split, that means that 1% of the time they would not be matched to a particular split. In this case, they are assigned to the A branch. Thus, if you setup 3 branches each with a 10% chance (30% total), that would mean that branch B and C would have a 10% chance, but branch A would have an 80% chance (10% + 70% unassigned).
How does the system assign respondents to a particular branch?
The percent branch is using the php rand function. It randomly chooses a number between 1 and 100 and then assigns that number to your various branches based on the percentage you've set up. For example, this means that if the random number that comes up is 27, then if you had a 3 branch split with (Branch 1: 33%, Branch 2: 33% and Branch 3: 34%) it would assign that respondent to Branch 1. Same thing if the number came out as 89, it would show up in the third branch.
What if the branch hides all elements present on a particular page?
That page will be automatically skipped.
I want my Percent Branch Action on a page by itself but I don't want my respondents to see or have to submit this page, what do I do?
You can put a Percent Branch action on a page by itself and set it to hide. This will auto-submit the page while still assigning the respondent to one of the branches.
Does Percent Branch force respondents into each branch to ensure that over 100 responses, a 50%/50% branch split would have exactly 50 responses in each branch?
No, because SurveyGizmo offers the ability to collect multiple responses at anytime, this could lead to skewing of the results. It is random each time, just like a coin flip: you may have 56 heads and 44 tails over 100 flips. The percentages would increase in accuracy over a larger sample of responses (1000 responses would be a closer distribution than 10 responses).
How do you use the Show attribute?
The survey element must be set as Hide this question by default on the question's Logic tab to be affected by the Show attribute in Percent Branch.
Can I use the Show attribute to show a question that is affected by Hide all subsequent questions on this page or has its own Logic rule built?
No, the Show attribute is only effective on questions set as Hide this question by default.
What does the merge code display for a Percent Branch action?
When using a merge code to display which branch is assigned to a respondent, the merge code [question("option value"), id="X"] where X is the id of the Percent Branch action, will display the title of the branch (#2 in the labeled image at the top of the tutorial).
— Bri Hillmer on 01/18/2019
@Nick: The Progress Bar is designed to calculate a percentage based on all the pages in a survey, regardless of whether all pages are ultimately displayed to the respondent.
At this time, the only way to avoid the jump in the percentage is to remove the progress bar from a survey. This will help avoid respondent confusion as well as their potential misconception that they have not made significant progress within your survey.
You can learn more here:
Bri Hillmer
Documentation Coordinator
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience Team
— CRE on 01/18/2019
I made a survey with three branches - A to 50%, B to 25%, and C to 25%. All three get the same battery of demographic questions at the end. One thing I noticed in testing is the that progress bar does not reflect the progress of the individual branched survey, it looks like it reflects the % of all the questions entered on the back end (all three branches included). From the user end it makes it seem like there are so many more questions to go when in fact there isn't. is there a way to have the progress bar reflect the progress of the questions that will be seen versus the entire list of questions build on the back end?
— Bri Hillmer on 11/20/2018
@Elijah: You can create segments based on your branch names and make comparisons that way.
Here are a couple of resources that should hopefully help with this setup:
I hope this helps!
Bri Hillmer
Documentation Coordinator
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience Team
— Elijah on 11/20/2018
Is there a way to compare multiple branches side by side within a single report?
— Dave Domagalski on 05/03/2018
@Ben: Thank you for your question!
I think the best option for this is to add a 'Text Element' in each branch:
Each text element could say something along the lines of: "You have been allocated Branch A, Branch B, etc.".
Then in the setup of each branch, you can determine which one of these text elements is shown/hidden for each branch. For Branch A, you would show the text for Branch A, and so on.
I hope this helps!
Documentation Specialist
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience
— Ben on 05/03/2018
At the end of each survey can the user be told the branch they have been allocated?
— Dave Domagalski on 01/25/2018
@Martina: Thank you for your question!
I'm sorry for the trouble! The Add Action option can be found on your survey's Build tab. I have since updated this document to make that more clear.
I'm sorry for the trouble!
Documentation Specialist
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience
— Maciej on 01/25/2018
Where can I find this Add action button?
— Dave Domagalski on 01/23/2018
@Franca: Thank you for your question!
I'm afraid that SurveyGizmo's Branching Action cannot ensure an exactly even split among each of the branches.
The branch assignment is truly random each time, just like a coin flip: you may have 56 heads and 44 tails over 100 flips.
I'm sorry for the trouble and hope this helps clarify!
Documentation Specialist
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience
— Franca on 01/23/2018
I quite often use the branching tool, and notice that the more branches I add the more the sample differs per group. Is there a way to include least filled groups to the survey? Eg. If I have 4 different branches and my sample is N=1000, I would like to get N=250 per creative instead of Branch A=220, Branch B=280, Branch C=230, Branch D=270.
It would be great to hear from you!
— Bri Hillmer on 02/13/2017
@Jeanine: It sounds like you are looking for skip logic. Here is a tutorial with more information:
Documentation Coordinator
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience Team
— Jeanine on 02/11/2017
So I just want to know how to do what I thought was called Branching: If someone chooses option A I want them to be skipped to a specific page. If someone chooses option B I want them skipped to a different page. I don't get the % thing and just gave up reading through. Seems it making a simple click click action very complex.
— Dave Domagalski on 01/27/2017
@Donald: Thank you for your question!
In general, reloading the survey page is not advised while in progress. Most browsers will show a pop-up warning against this if the user is in the midst of filling out a form/survey.
When a respondent gets placed in a branch, they should remain in that branch for the duration of their survey session.
When you mention reloading the page, are you perhaps referring to respondents re-accessing an in-progress response that was started earlier?
Best regards,
Documentation Specialist/Survey Explorer
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience
— Donald.braman on 01/27/2017
What happens when a subject reloads the page. In my testing, they get to see the other branch 50% of the time in a 50/50 split. Any way to make branch assignment persistent?
— Bri Hillmer on 11/02/2016
@Sadhbh: Logic rules will trump the percent branch show/hide settings so you'll need to be extra careful when using the 2 features together. Basically, you'll need to make sure that your logic conditions are confined within the branch. If you have logic conditions that cross branches questions will show that are not within the given branch. If you choose to use the percent branch in combination with logic we recommend testing thoroughly to ensure the survey is behaving as you intended.
I hope this helps!
Documentation Coordinator/Survey Sorceress
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience Team
— Sadhbh on 11/02/2016
Could you give some information about using Logic on the Percent Branch action?