New Articles

  1. Include Details From the Survey Response in a Thank You Message

    Sending thank you messages to your survey respondents to thank them for their time is a excellent survey best practice. Thank you messages are most commonly set up as part of an email campaign, however these messages do not allow you to pull content...
  2. Reuse Translations for Standard Messaging and Survey Controls

    For each language translation you provide for your survey respondents you'll need to translate the standard messaging and survey controls, such as, the Next and Back buttons, required and validation errors. This can be pretty time consuming,...
  3. Remove or Customize Required Asterisk

    When you require a question in SurveyGizmo, this automatically places an asterisk image next to the question. This identifies that the question must be answered to proceed through the survey. If you prefer to hide the asterisk but still have the...
  4. Override Response Status

    The Override Response Status option allows you to change the status of a response while a respondent is taking your survey.
  5. Copy or Merge Questions from One Survey to Another

    Have a couple of questions you are looking to copy into another survey? Or perhaps you are looking to merge all the questions from two surveys into one? You can accomplish this using the question library! You'll need to begin by determining whe...
  6. Understanding User Agent

    SurveyGizmo collects a User Agent string for every survey response (except anonymous surveys). This string contains information about the browser, operating system, and device of the respondent.
  7. Create a Yes / No Question

    Click Add New Question at the bottom of the page. When the question editor panel opens, Radio Button will be selected by default in the Question Type dropdown menu.
  8. Change Required Message Text

    If you wish to change the text of your required error messages, navigate to Tools > Text & Translations. Here, you can customize text associated with a number of standard SurveyGizmo messages.
  9. Customize Response Grid to Display the Data You Need

    By default the response grid on the Responses tab will display Date/Time and the first four questions in your survey. Don't fret though, you can change this to display the data that this is most impo
  10. What's the Difference Between Global and Campaign-Specific Contact Fields?

    Within our email campaigns, global contact fields will update our contact management system globally. This means if you are using the same list of contacts in multiple campaigns or surveys the change