For each language translation you provide for your survey respondents you'll need to translate the standard messaging and survey controls, such as, the Next and Back buttons, required and validation errors.
This can be pretty time consuming, that's why if you've already translated standard messaging in a survey, we've built the ability to reuse these standard messages.
Take advantage this tool when adding a new language to your survey. Go to Tools > Text & Translations and click Add Language. Choose your language and select Yes for the option to Copy standard messaging for this language from an existing project. A search box will appear where you can type in the name or ID of the survey with the translated elements and click Add Language. Et voila! All your standard message translations will copy over, saving you tedious data entry time!
— Bri Hillmer on 02/08/2019
@Eelco: Thank you! We very much appreciate your offer to assist us with default translations. This is definitely something other users have asked for. We don't have short term plans to make improvements to translations but I'll definitely make note of you as a resource!
Bri Hillmer
Documentation Coordinator
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience Team
— EM on 02/08/2019
Perhaps it's also an idea to collaborate with international users and use their translations as a standard for that particular language. I'm happy to supply you with the translations I made for Dutch so they can be implemented in SG. Then a new Dutch user will have all texts translated in Dutch from the beginning. Eelco Markensteyn, EM Onderzoek
— Bri Hillmer on 02/05/2019
@EM: Thanks for this feedback! I can definitely see how this would be more useful at the account level. I'll make note of this for discussion of possible future improvements with our product and engineering teams!
Bri Hillmer
Documentation Coordinator
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience Team
— EM on 02/05/2019
Helpful topic to re-use translations. Perhaps it would be a nice feature for a user to add translations of standard texts (and there are quite a few) to the default language set in the account settings. For instance, my language would be Dutch, and I'm currently translating all standard texts. Rather than selecting them for each new survey I would like to add them on the account end rather than the survey end.
— Bri Hillmer on 03/05/2018
@Zoe.driscoll: SurveyGizmo does not supply any translated at this time.
Bri Hillmer
Documentation Coordinator
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience Team
— Zoe.driscoll on 03/05/2018
Can you supply standard translations for messaging for major languages?