Getting Started with Survey Translations
With our translation tool, you can have a true multilingual survey with multiple translated languages! While we wish this was a process that automatically translated your survey to any language, anyone who's ever used an online translation tool know...
Change Default Survey Language
The Default Language for SurveyGizmo surveys is set to English, but you can change this at the survey or account level if you wish. In order to understand default language, you must understand how Su
Translate Your Survey into Different Languages
The translation of your survey can be completed field by field inside SurveyGizmo using our Text & Translations tool or you can export all the fields requiring translation into a spreadsheet.
Export or Import Fields for Translation
In case the person responsible for creating the translated version of a survey is not be the person creating the survey, all translatable fields can be exported as a spreadsheet and re-imported...
Reuse Translations for Standard Messaging and Survey Controls
For each language translation you provide for your survey respondents you'll need to translate the standard messaging and survey controls, such as, the Next and Back buttons, required and validation errors. This can be pretty time consuming, tha...
Share Options for Translated Surveys
There are several different options for sharing your translated surveys. This tutorial will cover the set up for each option and any limitations or considerations.
Language Bar: Sharing Your Translated Surveys
Including a Language Bar in your survey will allow your respondents to easily switch to the language they would like to use when responding to your survey. The Language Bar allows your respondents to
An Alternative to the Language Bar
Note: This alternative method is not compatible with SurveyGizmo Email Campaigns. We created the Language Bar feature to allow survey respondents to easily select their preferred survey language for translated surveys, and have made this feature ...
Set Up Logic Based on Survey Language
Using language-based logic you can display a specific field only when your survey is being taken in a specific language.
Why Is My Language Not Listed In Available Languages?
The primary purpose of adding multiple languages is to allow respondents' browsers to detect whether there is a version of the survey available that matches the respondent's language preference.
Merge Codes in Translations
In multi-language surveys if you plan to use merge codes to dynamically pull previous answers you'll need to make sure to use the title merge code in order to pull the correct language. [question("title"), id="3"] , [question("piped title"...