New Articles

  1. How do I reset my password?

    If you need to change your SurveyGizmo password, click Account > My Preferences. Then click the Reset Password button. A password reset link will be sent to the email address you see in this window.
  2. Customize a PDF

    There are several PDFs available throughout SurveyGizmo. Below we'll cover your options for customizing these various PDFs.
  3. Change Text of a Button on a Specific Page

    While we have a built-in feature to change the text of the Back, Next, and Submit buttons for the Back and Next buttons you may not wish to change the text on every page. You can change the text of a Next and Back buttons on a per-page basis with ...
  4. URL Variable Tricks

    URL Variables are typically used to pass data for pre-population purposes in SurveyGizmo. But, they can also be used to control the way a web application or form works.
  5. Set Up Logic Based on Geodata

    Wherever the logic builder is available, in the first drop-down menu scroll to the Geo Tracking Data section and select the field you wish to use in your logic condition.
  6. Send a Text Message from Your Survey

    If you want to send a respondent a text message upon completion of a survey, we can show you how! We'll be using the respondent's phone number combined with an email address gateway that is unique...
  7. Copy Reports, Email Campaigns and Share Links When Copying Your Survey

    When copying your survey you can also select to copy the reports, email campaigns, and/or share links along with the survey. This option will save the settings on your reports, campaigns, and links.
  8. Send an Email Campaign Invite to a Newly Added Contact

    It's fairly common to add a contact or two to your email campaign after your initial invite was sent out. We know how important it is to only send emails to your contacts when necessary. That's why all of our messages, invites, reminders and...
  9. Create a Coupon Code

    Are you looking to have SurveyGizmo generate a unique confirmation or coupon code that can then be utilized to link a respondent to an otherwise anonymous response? Here's an easy way to set this up!
  10. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

    If you are experiencing strange behavior when building or previewing a survey, we have a clear link cache tool  that usually helps. Another helpful option is to clear your browser's cache and cookies. Here's how to accomplish this in ...