Logic, Piping/Repeating, & Randomization

SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. Learn how to apply logic to questions, options, pages, and actions.


Getting Started With Logic
SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent, saving them time and you bad data. Logic can be applied to questions, options, pages, and actions. In this tutorial we'll get you started using logic. We'll cover the...
Tips for Building Efficient Survey Logic
Logic is one of the trickiest SurveyGizmo features to master. We created this tutorial (with flowcharts!) to help you better understand how logic works and give you some tips for building efficient logic. Tip 1. When using logic in SurveyGizmo, ad...
Set Up Question Logic
SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. This will save your respondents from survey fatigue and improve your data quality.
Set Up Page Logic
SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. Logic can be applied to questions, options, pages, and actions. In this tutorial, we will cover page logic options.
Set Up Skip Logic
SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. This will save your respondents from survey fatigue and improve your data quality.
Set Up Disqualify Logic
Disqualifying survey respondents that do not meet certain criteria to respond is a common survey design practice.
Set Up Answer Option Display Logic
Using Answer Option Logic, you can conditionally show answer options in compatible questions based on the rule(s) you set up.
Set Up Grid Row Logic
Logic can be applied to stand-alone questions, rows within grids, answer options, pages, and actions. In this tutorial, we will cover how to set up grid row logic.
Count Number of Selected Options
Are you looking to set up logic based on the number of options selected in a checkbox question? You can use the 'answer count' merge code to set this up!
Set Up Logic Based on Survey Language
Using our Text & Translations tool you can provide a complete translation of your survey including question titles, answer options, as well as, error messages and button text. This is generally the best practice for providing translated versions of...
Set Up Logic Based on Geodata
Wherever the logic builder is available, in the first drop-down menu scroll to the Geo Tracking Data section and select the field you wish to use in your logic condition.
Using the Ismobile Rule in Logic Conditions
The "Is Mobile" is a powerful logic rule that allows you to determine if respondents are accessing your survey via a mobile device.
Understanding Logic Operators
Choosing the wrong operator in a logic rule can cause you a lot of grief. In this tutorial we'll review each available operator and how it works.
Using Multiple Conditions and Groups in Logic Rules
You can add multiple Conditions or Groups of conditions to your logic rules. This allows you to combine multiple rules together with an AND or an OR. You can also set up groups for rules together aga
Understanding Negative Logic Conditions
Using negative logic conditions, such as is not exactly equal to, is not one of the following or is not answered, can be very useful when building logic or filters. Negative logic conditions can save
Hide After Answering
At times you may want to discourage your survey respondents from changing their answers. SurveyGizmo has a feature that will help you accomplish this by automatically hiding a question once it is answered. This can be particularly helpful if you are...
Hide Question By Default Logic Option
While it is very tempting to use this option when setting up question logic, this option is not only not necessary but can cause unexpected behavior.
Converting Old Show/Hide Triggers to Current Logic Setup
In August of 2014 we released improvements to the logic setup in surveys. In addition to new functionality, another major benefit of these updates is that question logic can now be set up in one place. Prior to August of 2014, same-page logic had to...
Set Up Answer Option Quotas
If you have a sign-up form for a service, such as massages, physical training or a personal training session, you would want to use option quotas to prevent too many sign-ups for a single time slot.
Simple Piping: Display Previous Answers in Your Survey
Using simple piping, a.k.a merge codes, you can display a single answer from a previous question on a later page. This is typically used in the question title or in a text/instruction element.
Pipe into Options: Use Previous Answers as Options in Later Questions
Using option piping you can use the answer(s) (either those that were selected or left un-selected) from a previous question as the answer options in a question on a later page.
Question Repeating: Use Previous Answers to Repeat Questions
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your US account! Add a survey with this question to your EU account! Question Repeating (or Question Piping) allows you to repeat a question based on answer option...
Page Repeating: Use Previous Answers to Repeat Later Pages
Page Repeating allows you to repeat pages based on answers selected in a previous survey question. You can repeat a page using either the selected or unselected items from a previous question.
Pipe or Repeat Unselected Answer Options
SurveyGizmo's Piping feature allows you to repeat previously collected data later in your survey. By default, piping is based on the answers selected in your source question.
Repeat a Page Based on an Entered Value
Are you looking to repeat questions or pages based on a respondent-entered value? We call this piping by value.
Pipe from a URL Variable
Many survey creators already have pre-existing information about their survey respondents that they would like to ask about, without having to ask for the information again. Piping from a URL Variable allows you to use existing information into your...
Understanding Piped/Repeated Data
Piped data can be many things; it can be answers that have been drawn from answers to a previous question, it can be a single question repeated dynamically based on answers to previous questions, and it can be a page repeated multiple times based on...
Pipe Multiple Questions into One
Piping is a great way to use a respondent's answers from one question in a survey in another question on a later page. But what if you want to pipe from not one, but two or more questions into one question on a later page? Well, here's how! Check...
When Piping into a Radio Button Question, If Only One Option Was Chosen, Select It!
When piping from a Checkbox question into a Radio Button question, if there's only one option selected from the checkbox, it would be great for the radio button question that follows to already be selected. With this quick script, we can do this...
Best Practices: Considerations Before Using Piping & Repeating
To pipe, or not to pipe, that is the question. While piping comes in handy during the build phase of your survey; it's not always the best setup when it comes to your data. There's almost always an alternative to using piping in your survey. Typi...
Randomize Answers
Survey researchers frequently use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can rand...
Randomize Questions
Survey researchers frequently use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can rand...
Randomize Pages
Survey researchers use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or surve...
Build Logic Based on Piped Options
Option piping allows you to use the answer(s) (either those that were selected or left unselected) from a previous question as the answer options in a question on a later page.
Using the Fixed Setting with Piping and Randomization
The Fixed setting for answer options in SurveyGizmo allows you to lock the position of an answer option or multiple answer options within a compatible question. The Fixed setting can be used in co...
Disqualify Respondents Based on Location
Perhaps your survey is targeted at an audience in a specific location and you want to restrict people outside of that location from taking the survey. SurveyGizmo gives you the option to create disqualify logic based on respondent location such a...
Block Survey Responses from Specific IP Addresses
If you need to prevent individuals at a certain IP address (or multiple IP addresses) from responding to your survey, you can use logic to do so. Follow the below steps to set this up!
Compatibility with Logic, Piping, Repeating, & Randomization
This is a quick reference guide to compatibility of our logic, piping, repeating, and randomization features. See the blue linked articles below for more information on each individual feature. Need to see if these features are available in your pl...
Testing Logic In Your Surveys
We recommend adding survey logic in the final stages of your survey build. We know; it's tough to resist adding logic while building your questions but it's a good idea to hold off. Here's why. While you, the survey builder, are intimately familiar...
Save Question Data If Hidden After Initially Shown
When setting up question logic you may notice an option to Save this question's data if hidden after initially shown  that appears after setting up your logic conditions. This applies to how you wish to have data handled when respondents move back ...
Use Other-Write-In Entries In Piping
When piping and repeating options, questions, and pages based on a question with an other-write-in field you will likely want to use the text the respondent enters rather than the text of the option "Other".
Survey Logic FAQ and Troubleshooting Tips
SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent by dynamically showing survey content based on things like answers to previous questions within the survey, email campaign contact information, or URL variables.   W...
Piping/Repeating FAQ and Troubleshooting Tips
In SurveyGizmo, piping (sometimes referred to as repeating) allows you to use information collected in your survey at a later point in that same survey. Often, piping lets you efficiently tailor the survey experience to the specific respondent takin...
Build Logic Based on Respondent Sentiment
SurveyGizmo uses a Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Sentiment Analysis Package to process and analyze your respondents' text responses for sentiment, in realtime!