Survey researchers frequently use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can randomize questions, pages and answer options!
To shuffle the order of all questions on a page
- Click the page title to edit. (Randomizing the order of questions must be set up on each page.)
- Go to the Logic tab.
- Under Randomize Questions choose the option Shuffle the order of the questions on this page for each participant.
- Save Page.
Display a given question in the same position when shuffling is enabled
- Edit the question and go to the Logic tab.
- Under Randomization Logic select The position of this question will not be changed when question shuffling is enabled on this page.
- Save question.
To show a random set (you specify the number) on a page
- Click the page title to edit. (Randomizing the order of questions must be set up on each page.)
- Go to the Logic tab.
- Under Randomize Questions choose the option Show a random set of questions on this page to each participant.
- Enter the number of questions per set you wish to display.
- Save Page.
Note: This setting will not randomize Text / Instruction Elements. Text / Instruction elements will always show when this randomization setting is used.
Always show a given question when a random selection is shown
- Edit the question and go to the Logic tab.
- Under Randomization Logic select Always include this question when showing a random selection of questions on this page.
- Save question.
What should I know about randomization?
- All built-in randomization features in SurveyGizmo utilize true randomization, meaning it will not ensure even representation of elements. Our Programming Services team can assist with balanced customization if you wish!
- Randomization only affects what respondents see while they are taking your survey. The collected data will still show up in reports and exports in the order you have specified in the Build tab.
- Please use extra care when using randomization combined with logic in your surveys. If not set up properly, pages/questions used in logic statements may not be present for logic conditions. If you choose to use randomization in combination with logic we recommend testing thoroughly to ensure the survey is behaving as you intended.
- The specific order in which randomized questions were displayed to the respondent is not available.
— Dave Domagalski on 07/18/2019
@Robert: Thank you for your question!
I'm afraid that the current built-in randomization options do not support this configuration.
The main limitation at this time is that while you can certainly shuffle the order of all questions on a page, there is not a way to ensure that the drill-down questions would appear right after the associated main question.
I'm sorry for the trouble!
Technical Writer
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience
— Robert on 07/18/2019
I have four main questions on a page, and then drill-down questions that might appear, based on your answer to the main question. For example, if you choose "Important" as the answer to the main question, you'll see the drill-down. If you choose "Not important" as the answer to the main question, you would NOT be presented with the drill-down.
I'd like to randomize the main questions, and always have the drill-down questions appear right after the main question.
Is there a way to group a set of questions together, and randomize the order that the group appears on the page?
— Bri Hillmer on 03/08/2016
@Eileen: At this time subquestions from custom groups are not available for randomization. I think this is a great idea; I will make note of this for discussion with our development team for future improvements!
Documentation Coordinator/Survey Sorceress
SurveyGizmo Customer Support
— Eileen on 03/08/2016
Can I randomize sub-questions?
— Bri Hillmer on 02/22/2016
@Amy: Sure thing! We're here to help!
Documentation Coordinator/Survey Sorceress
SurveyGizmo Customer Support
— Amy on 02/20/2016
Bri -- Thanks! I saw this come online during Ultimate Training. Can't wait to add it to my next survey! I'll let you know if I have any questions once I get into it.
— Bri Hillmer on 02/15/2016
@Amy: I actually just wrote a quick script that allows you to do so! Check it out here and let me know if you have questions:
Documentation Coordinator/Survey Sorceress
SurveyGizmo Customer Support
— Amy on 02/13/2016
I'm throwing my vote in this bucket that I would also like to show a random subset of rows in a grid question.
— Bri Hillmer on 10/15/2015
Duly noted!
Thanks for your feedback!
Documentation Coordinator/Survey Sorceress
SurveyGizmo Customer Support
— Andrea on 10/14/2015
I am delighted to find the answer to my question here in the comments - that you cannot show a random subset of rows in a grid question. However, I am disappointed it is not possible at this time. Can I second the motion to make this possible? Thank you!
— Dave Domagalski on 08/31/2015
@Gregg: Thank you for exploring SurveyGizmo Documentation! Unfortunately, at this time there is not a feature for showing a random subset of rows in a grid question. I apologize for the inconvenience.
David Domagalski
Survey Explorer
SurveyGizmo Customer Support
— Gregg on 08/27/2015
Is there a way to randomly take K questions from a Likert Grid of N questions?
(goal, I like the look of response grid, but only want to take a few items for each person, out of a big set)
— Bri Hillmer on 06/05/2015
@Janna-Lynn: Thanks for checking out our help documentation. The only way to achieve this would be to move the questions so that you have one topic per page then you can randomize the questions on the page.
I hope this helps!
Documentation Coordinator/Survey Sorceress
SurveyGizmo Customer Support
— Janna-Lynn on 06/05/2015
Hi! I'm setting up a survey with two questions per topic. We'd like to randomize the questions on the page, but keep the questions for each topic together -- so the page might look something like this:
We don't need to change the question numbering; we just need to keep the two related questions together. Is there a way to do this? Thanks very much!