Pipe into Options: Use Previous Answers as Options in Later Questions

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Piping allows you to repeat previously collected data later in the survey. In this tutorial we'll cover option piping. Using option piping you can use the answer(s) (either those that were selected or left unselected) from a previous question as the answer options in a question on a later page

Check out our Pipe or Repeat Unselected Options Tutorial to learn about piping unselected answer options.

Set Up Option Piping

  1. Create one of the below listed compatible question types. Need help adding a question?
  2. Create a second follow-up target question on a later page. Check out Piping into Rows and Columns if you wish to pipe into rows or columns of a grid question. 
  3. Consider your target question answer options. Typically, when option piping, you will want to set up your target question with no answer options as the answer options will dynamically populate from the source question.
  4. On the Piping/Repeat tab under Pipe Into Options select the source question from a previous page from the dropdown menu. 
  5. Pipe Selected Items  will be selected by default. This will populate your follow-up question with the option the respondent selected in the first question. If you wish to instead pull the items the respondent left unselected, toggle the setting to  Pipe Unselected Items.

Questions you can pipe into

Questions you can pipe from

The source question can be one of the following question types:

Pipe into Rows and Columns

If the target question is a table, you can Pipe Into Rows of the table. This is the most common use of piping in a table. You can also Pipe Into Columns of a table.

Pipe Into Rows or Columns of a Grid

Grid questions you can pipe into

Compatible Target Questions for Piping Into Rows

Compatible Target Questions for Piping Into Columns

*A Note About Piping Into Ranking Grid Questions

Ranking Grid and Drag & Drop Ranking questions use a weighted score that is based on the number of answer options. Because the number of options will vary when option piping, we discourage piping into a Ranking Grid and Drag & Drop Ranking questions as this can result in skewed data.

If you wish to pipe into a Ranking Grid or a Drag & Drop Ranking question, we recommend setting the minimum and max selectable options equal to each other in your source question. This way, each response has the same number of options and the weighted score is computed correctly.

 Best Practice Tips

  • Test, Test and Test again - It is always a good idea to test your surveys particularly when using more advanced features like piping and merge codes.
  • Remove all answer options from your option-piped questions - More often than not, you'll want your option-piped question to start with no answer options. Any options you add to the question will be in addition to the options you are piping.
  • Understand the data you are collecting - Check out our Understand Piped Data Tutorial for more info!
  • Carefully consider the use of piping - Review our Considerations Before Using Piping & Repeating Best Practices documentation before you choose this feature.

Making edits to your option piping setup

If the piped question has collected data, you will not be able to edit the source question in your option piping setup. This is because doing so can irreparably corrupt your data. Instead we recommend that you disable the question and recreate the question with the new piping source you wish to use.


Can I exclude an answer option from being piped?

You sure can! If you wish to exclude an answer from being piped you can do so within the answer option on the source question. Click the pencil icon to edit the option and scroll to the bottom of the Settings tab. Change the Always Exclude from Piping to Yes.

How will piped answer options display? Can I change this?

Piped options will display in the original order they were in in the source question (as seen on the Build tab). This is the case even if the answer options on the source question are set to randomize. There is not a way to change the order of piped options at this time.

Can I set up logic off of an option-piped question?

While there's not a built-in way to achieve this, there is a workaround!


Are you having trouble selecting a question as your source question? There are two possible reasons as to why your question would not be showing up as your source question:

  1. The question you are trying to pipe from is not compatible.
    The only compatible question types for source questions at this time are: 
  2. Your source question is not on a previous page to the question you're trying to pipe to.
    Any question you are trying to pipe from must be on a previous page. 


Option piping supports up to 150 piped options per question.

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