New Articles

  1. Re-fire an Action

    If, for whatever reason, you need to have an action re-fire to send the email again or post data, you can easily do that! Go to the Results > Individual Responses . Click a response and then click the Action Log . You'll see a list of the ...
  2. Control Who Can Respond to Your Survey

    Customers often ask, "How do I prevent someone from forwarding my survey link?" While, there's not a way to prevent forwarding, there are several methods for controlling who can respond to your survey. Login/Password The Login/Passwo...
  3. Create a Shorter Survey Link

    If you'd like to share the link to your survey on a flyer or bulletin board you will probably want to create a survey link URL that is easy to type. In this tutorial we will cover a couple of options
  4. Leading Practices: Textbox Vs. Essay Which Question Type Should I Use?

    Generally speaking, we recommend using textbox questions to collect a single word or short sentence response. Use essay questions to collect a paragraph or two of text.
  5. Return Respondents to a Later Page in a Survey

    Returning respondent to a later page in the same survey is a really common survey practice. An example might be a survey that initially collects some baseline data. Then, at a later date, you wish to collect follow-up information after some treatmen...
  6. When Piping into a Radio Button Question, If Only One Option Was Chosen, Select It!

    When piping from a Checkbox question into a Radio Button question, if there's only one option selected from the checkbox, it would be great for the radio button question that follows to already be selected. With this quick script, we can do ...
  7. Building a Link Using HTML

    There are a couple of places within SurveyGizmo where you might want to create a hyperlink and the editor that makes it really easy is not available e.g., answer options.
  8. Maintaining Randomization Order Across Questions

    In this tutorial we'll show you how to use a script to maintain randomization order for images in Image Choice questions. We'll cover how to do so with image questions on the same page and image questions on separate pages. This script als...
  9. White Label a Survey

    SurveyGizmo offers many customization options for our customers looking to white-label both their surveys and their account. A white-labeled account is essentially rebranded to give the appearance that all services are coming from the account holder...
  10. Send Quiz Score Information in an Email Notification

    Send Email Actions can be used to send quiz score results to project administrators and/or the respondents themselves. In this tutorial we'll cover how to set this up, as well as how to use logic to send different messages based on the score! ...