Take a Tour of SurveyGizmo
If this is your first time, this is the best place to start. Get your project off on the right foot! Learn about common survey terms and how the application works.
Using Help & Community
In this tutorial we will cover how to take advantage of SurveyGizmo's Need Help menu to get the answers you need, when you need them.
Create a Survey
Begin at the beginning! This short slide deck will walk you through the steps of creating your first survey. Learn how to add pages, select question types and add answer options.
Create a Form
A Form project is essentially the same as a Survey. To create a form, navigate to the SurveyGizmo home page.
Click the arrow next to the Create a Survey button to see the additional types of projects.
Create a Poll
Polls are a quick and interactive way to ask a single question of your website visitors. You can also choose to display realtime results to your respondents!
Question Types Guide
Did you know SurveyGizmo has 42 different question types? Don't be overwhelmed though; this guide covers each question type, what each looks like, and when to use them. Review the below list of quest
Need Help Choosing Your Question Type?
Upon creation, questions will default to the Radio Buttons question type. This commonly-used type of question allows respondents to select a single choice from a list. If this question type doesn't fit the bill for the question you are asking you ...
Add a Question
To add a question to your survey click Add New Question at the bottom of the page. Upon creation, questions will default to the Radio Buttons question type. This commonly-used question allows resp..
Create a Yes / No Question
Click Add New Question at the bottom of the page. When the question editor panel opens, Radio Button will be selected by default in the Question Type dropdown menu.
Set Up a Question to Allow Multiple Answers
Learn about the various SurveyGizmo questions that allow you to collect multiple answers. This can be accomplished via checkboxes, open-ended questions, and Custom Groups!
How do I set up a question so that respondents are required to answer?
Looking to require that respondents answer a given question? You can do this in three simple clicks. Edit your question. Check the Require this question option. Save Question.
How Does Each Question Report?
SurveyGizmo has 42 different question types Depending on the question you decide to use to collect data in your survey, you will get a different default reporting element within the Standard Report.
Add or Remove Page Breaks
To insert a page break, simply hover where you wish to split your pages and click the Page Break button.
What Is a Thank You or Terminal Page?
You will notice that the Thank You Page has fewer options for adding new elements to the page. Most notably, you cannot add questions to the Thank You Page of the survey.
How Do I Save My New Survey?
Web-based applications like SurveyGizmo save progress along the way, often without the need to press a button that says "Save."
Reorder Questions
To move a question, click and hold the crosshairs icon on the far right of your question. Then simply drag your question to its desired location and release.
Reorder Pages
To reorder pages, click the crosshair icon at the top right-hand corner of the page. A new panel will slide out. Next, using the arrow icon, click, hold and drag the pages into their new order.
Reorder Answer Options
To reorder answer options within your question, edit the question via the Build tab. Click and hold the arrow icon on the far right of the answer option and drag it to its desired location.
Popular Tools to Take Your Survey to the Next Level
Below we will introduce some popular tools experienced SurveyGizmo users use to create amazing surveys that wow their customers and colleagues alike.
Features for Our International Customers
Below, find a list of features and services customized or built specifically for our international customers, including data centers in the EU and Canada.
Getting Started With Logic
SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent, saving them time and you bad data. Logic can be applied to questions, options, pages, and actions. In this tutorial we'll get you started using logic. We'll cover the...
Getting Started with SurveyGizmo
Welcome to SurveyGizmo! Hit the ground running by learning how to configure your account, how to create and share your first survey, how to access and analyze your data, and more!
Getting Started with Dynamic Surveys
When we refer to dynamic surveys, we are talking about any survey that changes based on the respondent and/or the answers they provide while taking the survey.
Getting Started with SurveyGizmo Terminology
As with any new tool, you may come across features or terms that you are not familiar with. This guide aims to introduce you to some common SurveyGizmo terms that you may not have previously come across.
Enterprise Experience Theme
Migrating to the Enterprise Experience Theme does not affect pricing or plan level features. The enterprise Experience Theme provides an optimal user experience for the platform. By switching to the Enterprise Experience , one has the best an...