How Do I Save My New Survey?

We have all learned the hard way to habitually save our work when working on a computer. One benefit of web-based applications like SurveyGizmo is that you are making small saves along the way, often without pressing a button that says "Save."

For example, to create a new survey in SurveyGizmo you click Create a Survey from the dashboard, give your survey a name and click Start Building. At this point, your survey is saved even though you never clicked a Save button!

Where do I find my saved surveys?

If you are the only user on your account you probably won't have too much trouble finding your saved surveys (HINT: it's in the All Surveys view located just below the Create a Survey button).

Multi-User Accounts

For users on multi-user accounts, it might be pretty tricky to locate your newly created survey. This is because multi-user accounts often have folders set up for project organization as well as teams to add to the confusion. 

If you are a new user recently added to a multi-user account the most important thing to know is that your surveys will be saved to the All Projects view by default. Once you have moved the survey to another folder, the project will remain in that view even if it is edited.

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