Organize Projects in Folders

Account administrators have the ability to customize the home page using folders. There are four default folders available:

  • All Surveys - This folder includes all surveys that are not deleted or archived. Surveys moved to folders you create will still show in the list of all surveys.
  • Recent - This includes the five most recently modified surveys.
  • Deleted - This folder includes all surveys that have been deleted. Surveys can be deleted either by clicking the ellipsis and selecting Delete Survey in the list view, clicking the red x on the far right of the table view, or by dragging and dropping the survey in the Deleted folder. You can access and restore any deleted survey from within this folder.
  • Archived - This folder includes all surveys that have been archived. Surveys can be archived by dragging and dropping the survey to the Archived folder. Once a survey is Archived, it is removed from the All Surveys list and must be restored to access it. You can restore any archived survey from within this folder by clicking the circular arrow.

The last viewed folder will be saved for your next log in.

What's the Difference Between Deleted Surveys and Archived Surveys?

Deleted surveys and archived surveys have several things in common.

  • The do not display in the All Projects list or in any other folder.
  • The can be restored if necessary.
  • Neither project will be permanently deleted with out an administrative user submitting a request.

There are also some differences.

  • Application access - When clicked from their respective folder on the Dashboard deleted surveys can be viewed on the Build tab, however, archived must be restored in order to review them.
  • Share link behavior - Share links from deleted surveys will show a survey-not-found page. Share links from archived surveys will continue to work as their survey status specifies (open v closed).

Create and Customize Folders

Account administrators and Editors have the ability to create and customize folders. Simply click New Folder, customize the name and click Add. Then drag and drop your surveys to start organizing your dashboard. You cannot drag one folder into another.

Adding Subfolders

You can also add subfolders by clicking the green plus icon to the right of any folder.

Deleting Folders

The option to delete folders is restricted to Account Administrators only. Contact your account administrator if you'd like to delete a folder.

Giving Users Permission to Organize Surveys in Folders

Permission to organize surveys in folder is restricted to account administrators and survey Editors by default. If you wish to have the ability to organize your surveys in folders and customize folders you can have your account administrator customize your permissions to allow you to do so. 

Here's how! Go to Account > User Management > Users and find the user you are modifying. Click on the user and make note of their current roles for each team that they are on; we will be using this to create a new custom role.

Next go to Users > Roles. We're going to add a new role. Instead of clicking the Add Role button, we're going to copy the user's existing role as this brings along all their current permissions. So, from our above example, our Documentation user was and Publisher so we'll click the copy to start with those permissions.

On the General tab give your new custom role a meaningful name and description.

On the Permissions tab, scroll to the miscellaneous permissions and check the option to Create/Modify Folders and Save Role.

Now just go back to the User tab. Edit the user to change the user's role to the new custom role you just created!

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