Require Question Settings

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Require Question Settings: Required Question Example
Required Question Warning Message

Overall Require Setting

This will require a response per question. A red required asterisk will display at the end of each question title alerting survey respondents that the question is required.

The behavior of the overall require setting varies for different question types.

For single select questions, this will require a single response per question. 

Check it out in an example survey:

Single Select Questions: Overall Require Setting - Example

For grid and group questions this will require a single response per grid row/subquestion. Check it out in a survey here:

Grid Questions: Overall Require Setting - Example

Overall Require Setting Setup

The overall require setting is available on all questions and can be set up in multiple places.

  1. You can quickly check the Require this question checkbox on the Question tab when building your questions.
  2. You can also set the question to Required on the Validation tab.
  3. You can require and un-require questions in bulk by going to Tools > Bulk Editor. From here, check the questions/pages you wish to require and scroll to the dropdown menu at the bottom of the list. Select Require and click Perform Action on Selected Items.

 Best Practice Tip

As a general rule, we're not fans of required questions in surveys. We believe that you should only be asking questions for which you really need the data. Require settings can be fatiguing and possibly frustrating for your respondents. When using require settings we recommend doing the following:

  • Do not remove required icons (asterisks).
  • Provide your respondents with an opt-out option such as Not Applicable or None of the Above when requiring questions. Learn how to set these up in our Answer Option Special Settings Tutorial!
  • Avoid the soft-required setting as it does not provide your respondents with required information in advance.

Overall Soft-Require Setting

With this setting enabled, respondents will be reminded (after submitting the page) that they have not answered the question.

Soft Required Question Notification

Check it out in an example survey:

Soft Require Setting - Example

Overall Soft-Require Setting Setup

The soft-require setting is available on all questions and can be set up in multiple places.

  1. On the Validation tab you can select the option to Warn respondents if question is left unanswered (Soft-Require).
  2. You can require and un-require questions in bulk by going to Tools > Bulk Editor. From here, check the questions/pages you wish to require and scroll to the dropdown menu at the bottom of the list. Select Soft-Require and click Perform Action on Selected Items.

Soft-Require Compatibility

The soft-require setting is compatible with all Alchemer questions but is not compatible with grid/list rows. While you can apply soft-require validation to a Radio Button Grid question, you cannot apply this validation to a single row within that question.

The soft-require setting cannot be applied to rows of the following grid/list questions:

Conditionally Require Setting

The conditional require setting allows you to require a question under certain circumstances. You can use questions from previous pages to set up this logic.

Conditional Logic allows for one group or condition on the collaborator license level. For additional Conditions to be added, users must be on a Professional License level or higher. 

Conditionally Require Setting Setup

  1. Edit your question and go to the Validation tab.
  2. Select the Conditionally require this question on previous answers setting.
  3. Using the logic builder, define the rule to conditionally require the question.

Questions cannot be conditionally required based on earlier questions on the same page.

Require Rows of Grid Question

As an alternative to requiring the grid question overall, you can require individual rows of grid questions. This will display a red required asterisk next to each row header alerting survey respondents that an answer is required for each row.

Required Grid Row

Check it out in an example survey:

Require Individual Rows - Example

Require Rows Setup

  1. To set this up, click the pencil icon to edit each of the row headers that you wish to require in your grid question.
  2. On the Settings tab for the row header, toggle the require setting to Required.
    Edit Grid Row

Require Rows Compatible Questions

Minimum Answers/Rows Required Setting

A simpler, more efficient method for requiring all rows of grid questions is to set the minimum rows required. This setting also works on checkbox and multi-select image select questions to require that a minimum number of answers are selected.

This can be optionally combined with with the overall required setting. The below example question is set as required (see required asterisk). This means that the respondent will be required to answer the question and provide an answer to each row.

If the overall require setting is not used, the respondent could leave the question blank, however, if the respondent chooses to answer the question, they must provide a response to each row.

Minimum Rows Required

Check it out in an example survey:

Minimum Answers Required - Example

Minimum Answers/Rows Required Setup

To set this up edit your question and go to the Validation tab and enter the number of rows or answers you require.

Minimum Rows Required Settings

 Best Practice Tip

It is a good idea to provide your survey respondents with instructions with the details of your required settings, as opposed to letting the validation error display after they try to submit the page. This will reduce fatigue and frustration among your respondents! Check out our tutorial on Adding Instructions to Your Questions to learn how to set this up!

Require Settings: Best Practices

Minimum Answers/Rows Required Compatible Questions

Minimum Answers Required Per Row

Used alone, this validation setting will require the specified number of answers per row when answered.

This can be optionally combined with the overall required setting. The below example question is set as required (see required asterisk). This means that the respondent will be required to answer the question and provide an answer to each cell in the each row.

If the overall require setting is not used, the respondent could leave the question blank, however, if the respondent chooses to answer the question, they will be required to provide a response to each cell in each row.

This can also be optionally combined with minimum rows required. This would require survey respondents to answer a specified number of rows and, within those rows, the specified number of cells.

Minimum Answers Per Row

Check it out in an example survey:

Minimum Answers Required Per Row - Example

Minimum Answers Required Per Row Setup

To set this up edit your question and go to the Validation tab and enter the number of rows or answers you require.

Minimum Answers Per Row Setting

Minimum Answers Required Per Row Compatible Questions

Limit Answers To

The limit answers to setting puts a cap on the number of answers a respondent can select in a multi-select question. This is a great option if you are using page piping or question piping to ask some follow-up questions but wish to limit the length of the survey.

For the ranking grid question this will reduce the number of columns to the number specified in the Limit Answers To field.

Limit Answers To

Limit Answers To Setup

To set this up edit your question and go to the Validation tab and enter the value you wish to limit answers to.

Limit Answers To Setting

Check it out in an example survey:

Limit Answers To - Example

Limit Answers To Compatible Questions


Can I change the text of the required error messages?

You can indeed! Check out our Change Required Message Text Tutorial for more info! You can also Change the Color of Validation Error Messages.

Can I remove the red required asterisk?

You sure can! Check out our Remove or Customize Required Asterisk Tutorial to learn how!

Basic Standard Market Research HR Professional Full Access Reporting
Free Individual SurveyGizmo Enterprise*
*Excludes Stakeholder
Feature Included In
Overall Require SettingEveryone*
*Excludes Stakeholder
Soft Require SettingFull Access
Conditionally Require SettingCollaboratorProfessionalFull Access
Require Rows of a Grid - Min Answers/Rows - Min Answers Per Row - Limit Answers To CollaboratorProfessionalFull Access