Require Question Settings
Depending on the survey question that you are working with, a number of different require option are available. Explore this document to learn how to require specific grid rows, or how to limit...
Add an Other Textbox
An other textbox is a text field that is associated with an answer option that typically reads "Other" or "Other (Please Specify)." Other textboxes allow respondents to provide an answer that is outs
Add Other Row Headers to Grid Questions
Similar to how you can and an other, write in textbox to an answer option in a Radio Button or Checkbox question, you can also add an other, please specify row header to grid questions.
Add a Comment Field to Questions
Use Comments to add an open-text comment field questions in your survey. Comments can be added to many question types in SurveyGizmo.
Change Comments Title
Customize the 'Comment' text for all comment boxes in your survey. You can customize this text question-by-question.
Answer Option Special Settings: Not Applicable, None/All of the Above
Using our Special Settings, you can set up answer options such as "None of the above" or "Not applicable" so that other options cannot be selected in tandem.
Add N/A Option to Sliders & Slider Lists
To enable the Not Applicable option, check the Include a not applicable option checkbox located in the Slider Settings on the slider Question tab.
Randomly Flip Scales Left to Right
Survey researchers use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey can prevent bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can randomize q...
Group Answer Options in Surveys
Using group names you can group long lists of answer options into subgroups. This approach can give your respondents more context.
Min/Max Word and Character Count
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your account! For Textbox and Essay/Long Answer questions you can set a Minimum and/or Maximum Character Count for entries in these fields. Essay/Long Answer questi...
Set the Min or Max Selectable Options
Require respondents to select a minimum number of options or set a cap on the maximum selectable options for a question. To do so, edit your question and access the Validation tab.
Validate Textbox Answer Formats
When using Textbox questions, often you will want to validate the data your respondents enter. It makes analyzing, reporting, and then acting on your data easier when it all conforms to certain formatting. Basic Validation Email addresses, phone...
Create and Validate a Zip Code Question
Set up a Textbox question to ensure that only valid US zip codes are collected.
Autocomplete Text Fields
The auto suggest setting in Textbox questions allows you to enter values that will be suggested as the respondent types their answer(s) into the field.
Default Answers: Preselecting an Answer Option
If you'd like your question to have a preselected answer option or default text automatically populated, follow these steps.
Limit Ranked Items in Ranking Questions
If you prefer to gather the top 3 ranked items, you can do so by customizing the number of columns in your ranking questions. This trick works for Drag & Drop Ranking questions too!
Reporting Values
A Reporting Value is an internal value that our system uses for your reports, exports, and logic that cannot be seen by your respondents. Reporting Values will be the same as your answer option ti...
Define Your Own Reporting Values
By default, Reporting Value for each answer option will be set to the same value as your answer title. However, there are many instances where you may want to define your own custom reporting values.
Allow Respondents to Dynamically Add Questions as Needed
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your account! Using SurveyGizmo's Add as Needed feature you can allow your respondents to answer a given set of questions repeatedly. In our example (right), the r...
Administrative Questions
Administrative questions are not visible to the respondent but are instead available to survey administrators via Individual Responses after the response has been submitted. You can include administrative questions throughout your survey and can...
Alphabetize Answer Options
Edit the question and go to the Layout tab. Scroll to find the Option Sorting section and select the option to Alphabetize Options. Save your question and you're all set.
Verify Two Textbox Entries Match
Verifying the entries in two textboxes match is a very common practice in surveys and web forms. It's a great method for ensuring the email address a survey respondent enters is correct and free of typos. set this up: Add textbox questions to ...
Add Placeholder Text to Textbox and Essay Questions
Adding placeholder text to your open-text fields is a great idea to assist your survey respondents when responding to your survey. This is especially true if you are asking open-text questions that require a specific format e.g., phone number, email...
Resizing Text Fields
There are a number of different text fields available in SurveyGizmo. In this tutorial we will cover the resizing options available for each text field.
Convert Question Types
When building a survey, you might realize that the question type you initially chose isn't quite the right fit or isn't collecting the data you were expecting.
Create and Validate a Phone Number Question
Use RegEx Validation to ensure that your Textbox question accepts a valid US phone number.
Repeat column headers in grid questions
If you created grid question type (e.g., Radio Button Grid, Checkbox Grid etc.) with a lot of rows you might want to repeat the column headers to make your the grid easier for your survey responde...
Create and Validate Currency Question
Looking to collect a currency (US dollars, Euros, etc.) and validate that the entries are correct? Here's how!