New Articles

  1. Deselect a Radio Button

    Browsers do not allow for a radio button option to be de-selected - use this JavaScript that will allow respondents to click their answer to deselect it!
  2. System Requirements for Using SurveyGizmo

    Using an outdated browser, specifically a browser that does not support TLS (Transport Socket Layer) 1.2, exposes you to security flaws that put you, your data, and our system at risk.
  3. Disable Next Button Until Video Plays

    When fielding a survey with embedded videos you may want to ensure that respondents have watched the video in it's entirety before clicking to the next page.
  4. Turn Off Powered by SurveyGizmo Logo

    The Powered by SurveyGizmo logo displays on all surveys created using the SurveyGizmo Free Plan. You will see the powered by logo added to the footer of all your surveys.
  5. Include/Exclude Partial Responses in a Report or Export

    Using the filtering tools available in any SurveyGizmo report, you can include or exclude responses by response status. Use these tools to include Partial responses or exclude Disqualified respondent.
  6. Adjust Row Header and Slider Width in Slider List Questions

    The Slider List question was built to accommodate relatively short row headers. If you find that you need to adjust the width of either the row header or the slider to accommodate your row header text you can do so with a little CSS! Place the belo...
  7. Disable Questions or Answer Options

    When building and testing your survey, you might find the need to disable questions or answer options without removing them from the survey.
  8. Unsubscribe/Resubscribe a Contact

    An unsubscribed contact will not receive further invites from any campaigns or surveys in your account. This is true regardless of how the contact was added to a given campaign.
  9. Leading Practices: How to Build Accessible Surveys

    Accessible surveys are designed to be accessible to people with a diverse range of hearing, movement, sight, and cognitive ability. There are two requirements for a survey to be accessible.
  10. Real-time Reports and Exports

    If you share a link to a report, you can append &realtime=true to the end of the link and it will update when the link loads.