New Articles

  1. Create and Validate a Zip Code Question

    Set up a Textbox question to ensure that only valid US zip codes are collected.
  2. Standard Report: Response Map

    Looking to add a map showing the diversity of all of your respondents? You can easily add a response map using the Insert Tool in the Standard Report!
  3. Mark a Survey Response as Complete

    A survey response in SurveyGizmo is marked as completed when the respondent reaches the Thank You page (or another Terminal Page). All other responses will be marked as partial.
  4. Archive a Survey

    Archiving a survey is a great way to clean up your SurveyGizmo home page. When you archive a survey, this is what you can expect.
  5. Pipe or Repeat Unselected Answer Options

    SurveyGizmo's Piping feature allows you to repeat previously collected data later in your survey. By default, piping is based on the answers selected in your source question.
  6. SurveyGizmo Support

    When contacting SurveyGizmo Support you'll most likely want to grant support access to the support team to log into your account. Doing so in advance will save potential back-and-forth.
  7. Date Filtering

    The date filter is available right at the top of the Standard Report. Click the 'All Time'dropdown menu located just below the report title and use the calendar picker to adjust the date(s).
  8. Set Up a Question to Allow Multiple Answers

    Learn about the various SurveyGizmo questions that allow you to collect multiple answers. This can be accomplished via checkboxes, open-ended questions, and Custom Groups!
  9. Add JavaScript to Your Survey

    If you have scripting chops you can use the JavaScript action or the Custom Scripting action to achieve your perfect survey.
  10. Filter Export Data

    There are many reasons why you may not want to include all of your data in an Export. You may only want to see people who answer a specific question, or data from a certain date range. We allow you to do all of this with Export filtering.