New Articles

  1. Filter Report Data

    There are many reasons why you may not want to include all of your data in a Report. You may only want to see people who answer a specific question a certain way or data from a certain date range.
  2. What happens when I do not pay?

    If you miss a payment or payment does not arrive on time SurveyGizmo will send a series of emails to the account contacts. The first email notification regarding overdue payment is triggered the day after the missed payment and is sent to the emai...
  3. Trial/Demo Account Features and Limitations

    Haven't quite made up your mind on whether you want to pay for survey software? Give SurveyGizmo a test drive with a 7 Day Trial. To sign up for a trial, visit
  4. Turn HTML Editor On or Off in Text Fields and Question Titles

    Your SurveyGizmo surveys are really just HTML web pages, and being HTML web pages, any formatting you want to apply must be done in the appropriate web languages (HTML and CSS).
  5. Payment: Account Activation

    During your trial period, you can click on the Activate Account button at any time to select your desired license type and submit payment.
  6. Can I extend my trial past the 7 days?

    When creating your SurveyGizmo account, you have the option to start a 7-day trial. On the last day of your trial you'll have an option to extend your trial.
  7. Upgrade Your Account

    If you find yourself needing more features, you can always upgrade your SurveyGizmo License. The steps to do so are a bit different depending on your account type. Select your account type below for
  8. Can I Create a Survey From a Word Document?

    Do you have a survey already built in a Word document? The easiest way to get this content into SurveyGizmo is to copy and paste the questions, answers, and other instructional text into SurveyGizmo.
  9. Update Billing Information

    SurveyGizmo account administrators have the ability to update Account and Billing information. To do so go to Account > Account Summary. Scroll to the bottom of the Account Summary page where the con
  10. Does SurveyGizmo offer a pay per survey billing option?

    SurveyGizmo offers only annual subscriptions. We do not offer a pay per survey option. Annual subscriptions are active for twelve months from the date of purchase.