New Articles

  1. Use Externally Hosted Images in Surveys

    In the event that you don't have access to the File Library or you are already hosting your images outside of SurveyGizmo, there is another option!
  2. Question Types Guide

    Did you know SurveyGizmo has 42 different question types? Don't be overwhelmed though; this guide covers each question type, what each looks like, and when to use them. Review the below list of quest
  3. Edit All Reporting Values

    SurveyGizmo's Reporting Values give you control over your data output (in reports and exports) and expand your data analysis options. Use the Reporting Values Editor to make bulk changes!
  4. Identify Pending Email Addresses for a Given Message

    As contacts are added to an Email Campaign, and messages are sent out, and responses come in, you'll likely want to track the progress of individual contacts. Using your Status Log, available by...
  5. Identify Bounced Email Addresses

    A bounce is a message that has been deemed undeliverable by the email server. Once an address has bounced, there is no reason to try sending to that contact again. It impacts the overall email del...
  6. Survey Toolbar

    The Survey Toolbar allows you to enhance the survey taking experience for your respondents by adding Save and Continue, Language Menu, or Low Vision Mode functionality.
  7. Low Vision Mode

    Part of SurveyGizmo's updates to make survey taking accessible to all respondents, Low Vision Mode allows survey respondents to increase contrast ratios, font sizes, and font weight.
  8. Standard Report: Email Invite and Contact Fields

    Using the Insert Tool within the Standard Report, you have the option to add an element for Email Campaign Contact Fields as well as Email List Custom Fields (if applicable).
  9. Create a Custom Survey Not Found Page

    In the event that a respondent incorrectly types a survey link in to their browser or perhaps does not copy and paste the entire survey link into the browser, a Survey Not Found Page will be displaye
  10. Export Your Survey as Accessible Text

    If you need to create an export of your survey in  Accessible Text (meaning it can be printed on a Braille printer) , you can do so by exporting your survey to Word. To export your data to Accessible Text, please follow these easy steps: With...