Data Preparation

Use SurveyGizmo suite of data preparation tools to clean and prep your data for your final reports.


Quarantine Bad Responses
Before making decisions based on your survey data it is a good practice to clean your data. This is particularly true if you used panel respondents or provided an incentive.
Open Text Analysis
Open Text Analysis is useful for quantifying and transforming open text responses into actionable data. Read through responses to each open text question and bucket them into categories.
Edit All Reporting Values
SurveyGizmo's Reporting Values give you control over your data output (in reports and exports) and expand your data analysis options. Use the Reporting Values Editor to make bulk changes!
Edit All Question Aliases
Question Aliases allow you to replace your question titles with short names, giving you control over your data output (in reports and exports) and helping in terms of cleaning up your survey data.