New Articles

  1. Create and Validate Currency Question

    Looking to collect a currency (US dollars, Euros, etc.) and validate that the entries are correct? Here's how!
  2. SurveyGizmo's Accessibility Compliance

    This document has details about SurveyGizmo's accessibility compliance as well as a link to our Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).
  3. Repeat column headers in grid questions

    If you created grid question type (e.g., Radio Button Grid, Checkbox Grid etc.) with a lot of rows you might want to repeat the column headers to make your the grid easier for your survey responde...
  4. Individual Accounts: Purchase Additional Users

    While SurveyGizmo Team & Enterprise accounts are tailored for collaboration among a large numbers of users, Individual users may only need to work with one or two other individuals.
  5. Keep Two Answer Options Together When Randomizing Options

    When randomizing answer options customers often wish to keep to options together. That is, they wish for the options to randomly move about in the list of all answer options, however, they want...
  6. How do I change the format of my email campaign message?

    The default layout of our Email Campaign messages is such that the content is centered and the width is quite skinny. The default layout ensures good display on all devices, however you can override these default styles if you wish.  To ove...
  7. Getting Started Using Offline

    So, you've received an email with a link to a survey (see example email below), now what? The survey's administrator has sent you this email so that you can collect responses in the field.
  8. How does unsubscribe work?

    All email campaign messages sent via SurveyGizmo must include an unsubscribe link to allow recipients to indicate they no longer wish to receive emails from the sender. This is required by the CAN-SP
  9. Why am I being asked to fill out address information?

    We need this information to ensure that your account is billed correctly and appropriate taxes and fees are applied. If you do not have knowledge of the correct address information for your acco...
  10. Answer Grouping/Recoding in Reports

    The Answer Grouping feature allows you to do group answer options for reporting purposes. This functionality allows you to do what is often referred to as recoding in data preparation parlance.