New Articles

  1. Customize Survey Builder

    You can customize your survey Build tab to show as much or as little advanced information as needed. Adjust your settings to show things like Question IDs, Question Aliases, logic details, and more!
  2. Copy a Survey

    There are two ways to copy a survey. You can find the survey you wish to copy then copy it or create a survey then search for the survey you wish to copy. The method you choose will probably depend o
  3. Randomize Questions

    Survey researchers frequently use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can rand...
  4. Pipe Multiple Questions into One

    Piping is a great way to use a respondent's answers from one question in a survey in another question on a later page. But what if you want to pipe from not one, but two or more questions into one question on a later page? Well, here's how...
  5. Randomize Pages

    Survey researchers use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or surve...
  6. Randomize Answers

    Survey researchers frequently use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can rand...
  7. Pipe from a URL Variable

    Many survey creators already have pre-existing information about their survey respondents that they would like to ask about, without having to ask for the information again. Piping from a URL Variable allows you to use existing information into your...
  8. Repeat a Page Based on an Entered Value

    Are you looking to repeat questions or pages based on a respondent-entered value? We call this piping by value.
  9. Understanding Piped/Repeated Data

    Piped data can be many things; it can be answers that have been drawn from answers to a previous question, it can be a single question repeated dynamically based on answers to previous questions, and it can be a page repeated multiple times based on...
  10. Page Repeating: Use Previous Answers to Repeat Later Pages

    Page Repeating allows you to repeat pages based on answers selected in a previous survey question. You can repeat a page using either the selected or unselected items from a previous question.