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  1. Question Repeating: Use Previous Answers to Repeat Questions

    Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your US account! Add a survey with this question to your EU account! Question Repeating (or Question Piping) allows you to repeat a question based on answer option...
  2. Pipe into Options: Use Previous Answers as Options in Later Questions

    Using option piping you can use the answer(s) (either those that were selected or left un-selected) from a previous question as the answer options in a question on a later page.
  3. Simple Piping: Display Previous Answers in Your Survey

    Using simple piping, a.k.a merge codes, you can display a single answer from a previous question on a later page. This is typically used in the question title or in a text/instruction element.
  4. Set Up Answer Option Quotas

    If you have a sign-up form for a service, such as massages, physical training or a personal training session, you would want to use option quotas to prevent too many sign-ups for a single time slot.
  5. Count Number of Selected Options

    Are you looking to set up logic based on the number of options selected in a checkbox question? You can use the 'answer count' merge code to set this up!
  6. Set Up Answer Option Display Logic

    Using Answer Option Logic, you can conditionally show answer options in compatible questions based on the rule(s) you set up.
  7. Set Up Disqualify Logic

    Disqualifying survey respondents that do not meet certain criteria to respond is a common survey design practice.
  8. Set Up Skip Logic

    SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. This will save your respondents from survey fatigue and improve your data quality.
  9. Set Up Page Logic

    SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. Logic can be applied to questions, options, pages, and actions. In this tutorial, we will cover page logic options.
  10. Set Up Question Logic

    SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. This will save your respondents from survey fatigue and improve your data quality.