New Articles

  1. Record a Quiz Score for Each Page or Topic

    Did you know you can add multiple quiz scores to a survey to create a score for each page or other sub-section of the survey you define? For example, we created a SurveyGizmo Hero Quiz to test respondents' SurveyGizmo knowledge. Each page of th...
  2. Bulk Edit Answer Options, Require Settings and Question Numbers

    You may have noticed, when adding answer options to a question, there is an option to Paste in Options. In this tutorial we will cover bulk options when adding and editing answer options.
  3. Google Analytics: Track Respondent Behavior in Your Survey

    Google Analytics is a very powerful (and free) web analytics suite. It allows you to track survey conversions, path analysis, sources of survey traffic and even various versions of your forms and...
  4. Use URL Variables to Pass Data

    URL Variables make for a quick method for pre-populating existing data into a survey. With a simple query added to the end of the survey link, data can be stored as part of each survey response.
  5. Advanced Merge Code Customizations

    In this tutorial, we will discuss some advanced customizations for merge codes including formatting and transforming data in merge codes and replacing strings within merge codes.
  6. Merge Codes: Dynamically Pull Data

    Merge Codes can be used throughout SurveyGizmo to dynamically pull and display data previously entered in your survey, or data from your account, email invitation...
  7. Storing and Using Hidden Values

    A Hidden Value action allows you to capture/store data in your survey that your survey respondents are not able to see, but can be used for gathering data, storing browser information, and even pre-populating questions later in the survey. When wou...
  8. Create a Survey from a Word Doc

    Within SurveyGizmo you can create surveys using specifically formatted text copied and pasted from a Word document or other text editor.
  9. Add or Remove Page Breaks

    To insert a page break, simply hover where you wish to split your pages and click the Page Break button.
  10. Create and Use Survey Templates

    Building surveys can be time intensive. Start your survey with a template to reduce survey build time by using a pre-built SurveyGizmo template or a custom template of your own!