New Articles

  1. SPF Records

    An SPF record stands for a Sender Policy Framework, which is an open standard created to stop forgery of from email addresses by spammers. An SPF record helps mail servers distinguish forgeries from real mail by making it possible for a domain owner...
  2. Geodata Location Explained

    The geodata location, found in Individual Responses and exports, derives the city, state, ZIP code, or country from which a person has connected to the Internet by using their device's IP address.
  3. Send Email Action Message Not Updating?

    If you've updated or changed the message content in a Send Email Action and aren't seeing the changes reflected when you send yourself a test message, make sure you have updated both the HTML Message Body and Plain-Text Message Body ve...
  4. Textbox Question: Display Question Text to the Left of Textbox

    By default, the text field in textbox questions is displayed below the question text. If you would prefer to display the textbox to the right of the question you can achieve this pretty quickly. Here's how: Set up your textbox question. N...
  5. Add a Custom Favicon on Browser Tab

    Follow these quick steps to create your own favicon, upload it to SurveyGizmo and insert the necessary code.
  6. Remove the Back Button

    For some projects, you may not want your respondents to use the back button to change answers on previous pages. You can remove the survey back button in the survey's theme:
  7. Add a Print Option for Survey Respondents

    In this tutorial, we'll cover a workaround that uses the Review Response action in combination with some simple HTML and JavaScript code to add a link for respondents to print from the survey itself.
  8. Use Images as Answer Options

    Often survey builders want to use images in the Drag & Drop Ranking question. Others might want to put images in the row headers of a Custom Table. To do so, follow these steps!
  9. Permanently Delete Data

    There are a couple of methods for permanently deleting your data from SurveyGizmo. You can permanently delete individual responses or permanently delete surveys.
  10. HIPAA Compliance

    There are three requirements to be HIPAA compliant while using SurveyGizmo: a signed BAA, Project Data Encryption, and secure SSL links.