New Articles

  1. Create a Pre-Test and Post-Test Survey

    In the Pre-Test survey, baseline data is collected. Then, at a later date, the Post-Test survey collects follow-up information after some treatment has been applied.
  2. Radio Button Grid: Allow One Answer Per Column

    While we have a Ranking Grid question that automatically validates for a single answer per column there are some scenarios where you might wish to apply this to a Radio Button Grid question.
  3. Using Merge Codes in Javascript

    You can use SurveyGizmo merge codes in JavaScript actions in your survey. Our servers will replace the merge code with the corresponding value when the page is rendered.
  4. Using URL Variables aka Query Strings with Survey Embeds

    You can add URL variables to a survey embed code to send information into SurveyGizmo. This is the best way to send user information from your website to SurveyGizmo. You could also use it to send ad
  5. What Is an Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Formerly ExactTarget) WSDL?

    When setting up your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account under Account > Integrations, you will see something like this: In short, we need the correct WSDL to properly communicate with your Salesforce
  6. Set Up a Survey Link to Use Your Private Domain

    Once you have your private domain configured you'll want to use it in your survey share links. Learn how to ensure that all newly created surveys use your private domain by default (requires Account Administrator configuration). Otherwise,...
  7. Set Up an Email Campaign to Use your Private Domain

    Once you have your private domain configured you'll want to use it in your Email Campaigns . Learn how to ensure that all newly created surveys use your private domain by default (requires Account Administrator configuration). Otherwise, ...
  8. Provide Immediate Correct or Incorrect Feedback for Each Survey Question

    The SurveyGizmo Quiz Score is great for giving feedback at the end of a response but what if you want to let your respondents know whether their answer was correct or incorrect immediately? This tutorial will cover how to set this up using Text/I...
  9. Pre-populate a Question from a Previous Question in Your Survey

    In this tutorial we'll cover very basic pre-population task: using an answer previously collected in a survey in a later question in the survey. Be sure to visit our other pre-population tutorials if you're looking to do more in-depth pre-...
  10. Export or Import Fields for Translation

    In case the person responsible for creating the translated version of a survey is not be the person creating the survey, all translatable fields can be exported as a spreadsheet and re-imported...