New Articles

  1. Using URL Variables in Your Survey

    There are so many things you can do with URL variables in surveys it's impossible to list them. We've found that the best way to learn about URL variables is to see them in action. We'll be using the below survey throughout this tutori...
  2. Share a Survey Via a Zendesk Trigger

    While we do not have an official integration with Zendesk, you can send out your SurveyGizmo Customer Satisfaction surveys whenever a respondent closes a ticket or really any time you'd like! 1.  Login to Zendesk Lotus. 2.  Go to t...
  3. Add a Logo or Attachment to an Email Invite Message

    Looking to include a logo or other image in your email campaign invite messages? Need to attach a document or other file? We'll cover both of these options in this tutorial!
  4. Create a Workflow Survey/Collaborative Survey

    Do you have a survey or form that needs to be signed off by one or more managers before the response is marked as complete?
  5. Converting Old Show/Hide Triggers to Current Logic Setup

    In August of 2014 we released improvements to the logic setup in surveys. In addition to new functionality, another major benefit of these updates is that question logic can now be set up in one place. Prior to August of 2014, same-page logic had to...
  6. Import Data to a Single Question in Your Survey

    In some cases you may want to import data to a single question in your survey. For example, our beta version of our NPS® did not have as much functionality as our current NPS question.
  7. Optimize Survey Performance When Using Panelists (Video)

    Learn how to prepare your survey to collect responses from panel respondents. Learn how SurveyGizmo can coordinate and fulfill your panel response request. Learn how to disqualify those respondents who do not represent your target aud...
  8. Capture Page Path Data in a Website Intercept Survey

    Website Intercept surveys allow you to target visitors with content that can drive conversions or engagement through feedback surveys.
  9. Filtering Website Intercept by IP Address

    Website Intercept surveys allow you to target visitors with content that can drive conversions or engagement through feedback surveys.
  10. Hide Option Title in Rating Questions

    Hiding the titles for answer options within Likert Scale questions is a very common survey design practice. For example, you may just want to display the titles for right and left-most answer options (and/or Not Applicable options) as below. The...