New Articles

  1. Request for Product Information (RFP)

    We do not complete product information requests for our SurveyGizmo | CE plan levels. If you are interested in a team solution contact our SurveyGizmo | Enterprise representatives!
  2. 360 Reviews

    While a standard review is about the employee's job performance, a 360 review evaluates the employee themselves. That makes it very personal and very powerful; that's why we built a tool to easily...
  3. Record Page Title of Randomized Pages

    In this example, we cover a script for recording the page titles in order that they were displayed for each response when using page randomization.
  4. Why am I not receiving my password reset emails?

    If you are not receiving password reset emails, you may need to whitelist Mandrill, the email service provider we use to send these emails.
  5. Troubleshooting Website Intercept

    Website Intercept surveys allow you to target visitors with content that can drive conversions or engagement through feedback surveys.
  6. Schedule a Survey to Close Automatically

    Many surveys and projects have hard deadlines as to when the survey closes. Rather than logging into SurveyGizmo at 11:59 on the night before, you can automatically close your survey on a specified d
  7. Using HTML Code in Your Survey Elements

    Learn how to use HTML code in your surveys.
  8. Drag & Drop and Ranking Grid: Report on Rank Not Row Headers

    Both our Drag & Drop Ranking question and our Ranking Grid will report and export on the row headers for each question. The data will consist of aggregated data for each row header and will report an
  9. Change Comments Title

    Customize the 'Comment' text for all comment boxes in your survey. You can customize this text question-by-question.
  10. Leading Practices: Recommended Image / Photo Sizes for Use in SurveyGizmo

    Depending on where you plan to use your image files we recommend different sizes: Image Select - we recommend image files of no larger than 200 x 200px. Header Images - we recommend images files up to 750px wide and 200px tall. Banner Header...