New Articles

  1. Anti-Spam Requirements for Sending Emails from SurveyGizmo

    Because we offer Email Campaigns as an option for sending out your survey, we are considered an email service provider (ESP). Thus, we are required to enforce spam laws. Spam negatively impacts deliverability rates, and we want to ensure that when y...
  2. Why Is My Language Not Listed In Available Languages?

    The primary purpose of adding multiple languages is to allow respondents' browsers to detect whether there is a version of the survey available that matches the respondent's language preference.
  3. Setting Continuous Sum Max Total Value Dynamically

    Often survey designers are looking to make sure that the continuous sum total matches another value that the respondent entered.
  4. Customize the Link Text in My Email Campaign Message

    If you wish to customize the link to read something other than "Click Here to Start the Survey" double click the link. In the popup that appears, enter the text you wish to display as the clickab...
  5. Why are the characters in my export displaying incorrectly?

    If the export of your survey's raw data has nonsense characters it's likely because your survey data is in a language that uses special characters like accents, tildes and such. Fortunately, it's easy to fix this!
  6. Open Text Analysis - Webinar

    What You Will Learn: Learn how to use Open Text Analysis to quantify and transform open text responses into actionable data. Learn about the compatible question types that can be analyzed. Explore different use cases for Open Text Analysis....
  7. Show a Number of Randomly Selected Rows from a Grid

    As part of our core randomization options you have the ability to randomize or shuffle column and row order in a grid question. However, there is not a built-in feature to show a random subset of the rows in your grid question. Fortunately, it's...
  8. Turn Off Question Numbers

    To turn off question numbers go to Style > Text > Text Options and uncheck the option to Show Question Numbers. This will turn off question numbers in your live survey link.
  9. Why am I getting a "That email address is already in use" error?

    Both when signing up for a new SurveyGizmo account and when adding users to a multi-user account you may run into the below error message telling you "that email address is already in use."
  10. Get Hex Codes to Brand Your Survey

    Obtaining the HEX code for the exact colors that you want to use in your survey is easy with the right tool. You can use the From Webpage option found on the Style tab to gather the different colors used on your company/personal web page, but de...