New Articles

  1. Standard Report: Pie Chart

    Pie Charts are used to report on single-select questions such as Radio Buttons.
  2. Audio Sentiment Question Type

    The Audio Sentiment Question Type allows your survey respondents to provide continuous feedback while listening to audio, by dragging a slider along a range.
  3. Video Sentiment Question Type

    The Video Sentiment question type allows your survey respondents to provide continuous feedback while watching a video, by dragging a slider along a range.
  4. Conjoint (Choice-Based)

    Conjoint is a market research question used to determine how customers value the various features that make up an individual product or service.
  5. Delete a Report

    Any reports that you have created for a particular survey can be deleted. To delete a report, navigate to the Results > Reports area of your survey. Here, you will see a list of all existing reports
  6. Using Data About Your Contacts In Survey Logic

    If you are using an Email Campaign to distribute your survey, data you upload along with your contacts will be stored and available to set up logic in your surveys.
  7. Use a Radio Button Grid to Combine Rating Statements

    The Likert Scale is a great option for rating a single statement but sometimes you need to rate several statements across the same scale. Consider combining the separate statements into a grid format.
  8. Personalize Your Invite, Reminder, and Thank-You Emails

    Any data uploaded along with your contacts' email addresses can be used in your email campaign invite messages. Say, for example, you upload your contacts' first and last names; you can then personalize the greeting of your invite message wi...
  9. Using Email Addresses From Your Email Campaign in a Send Email Action Notification

    If you are using an Email Campaign to distribute your survey and you wish to send an email notification to each respondent it can be a little tricky to figure out how. In this tutorial, we'll cover h
  10. Save Question Data If Hidden After Initially Shown

    When setting up question logic you may notice an option to Save this question's data if hidden after initially shown  that appears after setting up your logic conditions. This applies to how you wish to have data handled when respondents m...