New Articles

  1. Hide Question By Default Logic Option

    While it is very tempting to use this option when setting up question logic, this option is not only not necessary but can cause unexpected behavior.
  2. Add a Question to Your Report

    Adding a question to your Standard Report is easy! Simply click the Bulk Edit Elements option in the upper right of your report. At the bottom of the window you'll have an  option to Add Another Report Element . Select Question Char...
  3. Understanding Survey Statuses

    If you are using the list view on the home page you'll notice that surveys have a number of different colors which correspond to the status badges on each survey.
  4. Custom Tables and the Standard Report

    Custom Tables offer several unique reporting options within the Standard Report that are not available to other SurveyGizmo question types. Order by Row or Column Custom Table questions are reported as a single element with separate charts for e...
  5. Understanding the Data Quality Tab in Individual Responses

    On the Data Quality tab of each Individual Response SurveyGizmo provides you with flags regarding respondent's survey-taking behavior. In this tutorial we'll cover what each of these flags mean and h
  6. Leading Practices: Using Screening Questions in Your Panel Survey

    The best method for making sure that you collect data from only eligible respondents, is to screen out those potential respondents that don't meet your target audience requirements.
  7. Using Data Extensions in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Formerly ExactTarget) Integration

    Using the SF Marketing Cloud action you can also push or pull data from your data extensions. If you have data extensions, you probably already have a good idea how useful this data can be in your su
  8. Account Administrators

    An Account Administrator is a specific type of user within SurveyGizmo and has administrative capabilities that general SurveyGizmo users do not.
  9. Text Highlighter Question Type

    The Text Highlighter question type allows your survey respondents to provide feedback on text by clicking and highlighting specific pieces of the text sample.
  10. Standard Report: Report on Grid Rows Separately

    In Standard Reports the rows of both Radio Button Grid and Checkbox Grid questions can be reported on separately as either a pie chart or a bar chart. Here are the steps to set this up.