New Articles

  1. Image Heatmap Question Type

    The Image Heatmap question type allows your survey respondents to provide feedback on an image by clicking anywhere on that image and selecting answer options.
  2. Generate Test Responses

    The Test tab of your survey provides you with several options for testing your survey. One of these options is a tool for generating test responses.
  3. Using URL Variables in Logic Conditions

    One of the most common ways URL Variables are used is in logic conditions to customize the survey experience based on information you already know.
  4. How to Add URL Variables to Share Links and Campaigns

    URL Variables make for a quick method for pre-populating existing data into a survey. With a simple query added to the end of the survey link, data can be stored as part of each survey response. This gives you the ability to push information into th...
  5. Set Up a Secure Private Domain

    In order to create a secure link that uses your private domain, you'll need to set up your SSL certificate within SurveyGizmo.
  6. Salesforce Lead Form

    Are you using an embedded SurveyGizmo survey to collect leads on your website? This is one of the most common uses of the SurveyGizmo Salesforce Integration; so we just made it even easier! We've cre
  7. Dynamically Change the Email Notification Recipient Based on an Answer to a Question in the Survey

    There's a fairly common scenario that comes up when using the Send Email Action to notify interested parties of a response. Let's imagine, for example, we're collecting feedback from students for...
  8. Add a Facebook Like Button to Your Survey

    Using some code provided by Facebook, you can add a Facebook like-button to your survey. The button can be customized via Facebook's tools.
  9. Performing Basic Math Using Scripting: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide

    Do you need to perform basic math within a response? You can do so using our custom scripting.
  10. Disable Fly-In Animations for One-at-a-Time Interaction

    Do you like the one-at-a-time interaction but you're not a fan of the fly-in animations that are part of this interaction? Never fear, we've got some CSS Code to disable these animations!