Delete a Report

Any reports that you have created for a particular survey can be deleted. To delete a report, navigate to the Results > Reports area of your survey. Here, you will see a list of all existing reports that have been created for the survey.

To delete a report, click the red 'x' icon located in the far right column of your report list.

Note: If you are user on a multi-user account, your account administrator may restrict your ability to delete a report. If you are not seeing the  option to delete, contact your administrator to make sure that you have the appropriate permissions for deleting reports.

Once deleted, a report is placed in the Deleted folder found to the left of the report list. Any deleted reports can be restored from within the Deleted folder.

Basic Standard Market Research HR Professional Full Access Reporting
Free Individual SurveyGizmo Enterprise*
*Excludes Stakeholder
Feature Included In