New Articles

  1. Standard Report: Spline Chart

    Spline Charts are used to graphically represent numeric data by connecting data points via a fitted curved line.
  2. Standard Report: Line Chart

    Line Charts are used to graphically represent numeric data by connecting data points via straight lines.
  3. Standard Report: Histogram

    Histograms are used to graphically represent numeric data.
  4. Standard Report: Spiderweb Chart

    Spiderweb Charts are used to report on single-select questions.
  5. Standard Report: Stacked Horizontal Bar Chart

    Stacked Horizontal Bar Charts are used to report on single-select questions such as Radio Buttons.
  6. Standard Report: Horizontal Bar Chart

    Horizontal Bar Charts will not show up in your report by default but are available for displaying the data for a number of different question types if you like how they look!
  7. Standard Report: Stacked Vertical Bar Chart

    Stacked Vertical Bar Charts are used to report on single-select questions such as Radio Buttons.
  8. Standard Report: Vertical Bar Chart

    Vertical Bar Charts are used to report on multi-select questions such as Checkboxes.
  9. Standard Report: Donut Chart

    Donut Charts are used to report on single-select questions such as Radio Buttons.
  10. Standard Report: Arc Chart

    Arc Charts can be used to report on single-select questions such as Radio Buttons.