New Articles

  1. Display the Comment Field Above the Question

    By default, Comment Fields will display below the question they are added to. This script will display a comment field above a question.
  2. Why Am I Getting an Invalid Question ID XX Check Your Merge Code Error?

    Have you come across this error? Not sure why? This happens from time to time, typically in copied surveys or long-running surveys.
  3. Whitelisting SurveyGizmo IP Addresses and Domains

    Sometimes you may run into deliverability issues and may need to whitelist SurveyGizmo domains or IP addresses to help resolve this issue.
  4. Compute Averages in Reports

    Within Reports, averages can be computed for all single-select question types.
  5. Create and Validate a Phone Number Question

    Use RegEx Validation to ensure that your Textbox question accepts a valid US phone number.
  6. Leading Practices: Considerations Before Using Piping & Repeating

    To pipe, or not to pipe, that is the question. While piping comes in handy during the build phase of your survey; it's not always the best setup when it comes to your data. There's almost always an alternative to using piping in your surv...
  7. Cascading Dropdown: Select Option When Only One is Present

    If you are using the Cascading Dropdown question and one of your menus has only one option you might want to have the survey automatically select it for your respondents.
  8. Only Send Reminder to Respondents Who Have Partially Completed Your Survey

    SurveyGizmo Reminder messages automatically send to contacts with a response status of Partial or Not Started. If you would like to send a reminder only to contacts with the Parial status, use the workaround described in this article. Looking t...
  9. How do I turn off confirmation emails?

    Looking to turn off or make changes to your confirmation emails? You can stop them from sending by disabling the action. Simply click Edi t and go to the Logic tab.  Select Yes under Disable Action .  To learn more about confirm...
  10. Return Respondents to the Beginning of the Survey

    There are a number of scenarios for which you might want to return survey respondents to the beginning of the survey so they can enter another response, e.g., 360 reviews, quizzes, etc.