New Articles

  1. Image Select (multi select) Question Type

    The Image Select (multi select) question type displays multiple images to the respondent allowing them to select their answer by clicking directly on the images. Respondents are able to select multip
  2. Image Select (select one) Question Type

    The Image Select (select one) question type is a single-select question with clickable images as answer options. Use the Image Select (select one) question to ask your respondents to choose a single
  3. Ranking Grid Question Type

    Ranking Grid questions allow respondents to rank items in order, by selecting their numeric rank from a table of radio buttons, where each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
  4. Drag & Drop Ranking Question Type

    Drag & Drop Ranking questions allow respondents to rank a list of items by dragging and dropping each item in order of preference.
  5. Net Promoter Score® Question Type

    Net Promoter Score questions are used to gauge customer loyalty. NPS questions are typically phrased like so: "Based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend SurveyGizmo to a friend or...
  6. Star Rating Grid Question Type

    Star Rating Grid questions allow respondents to use stars to rate multiple items (rows) on multiple dimensions (columns). Each star represents the equivalent numeric value for that rating (e.g. Four
  7. Rating (Likert Scale) Question Type

    A Rating question is a single-select scale question, often referred to as a Likert Scale. Use Rating questions to collect respondents' opinions using answer choices that range from one extreme to...
  8. Slider List Question Type

    The Slider List is an interactive question that allows respondents to select values for multiple rows of items by dragging a slider along a range.
  9. Slider Question Type

    The Slider is an interactive question that allows respondents to select values from a continuous range by dragging a slider along a range. The Slider is an excellent way to engage your respondents...
  10. Essay / Long Answer Question Type

    An Essay question is an open-text field used to gather longer open-text responses. By default, the Essay question does not have a word/character limit. You can determine the response length by set...