New Articles

  1. Default Answers: Preselecting an Answer Option

    If you'd like your question to have a preselected answer option or default text automatically populated, follow these steps.
  2. Autocomplete Text Fields

    The auto suggest setting in Textbox questions allows you to enter values that will be suggested as the respondent types their answer(s) into the field.
  3. Validate Textbox Answer Formats

    When using Textbox questions, often you will want to validate the data your respondents enter. It makes analyzing, reporting, and then acting on your data easier when it all conforms to certain formatting. Basic Validation Email addresses, phone...
  4. Set the Min or Max Selectable Options

    Require respondents to select a minimum number of options or set a cap on the maximum selectable options for a question. To do so, edit your question and access the Validation tab.
  5. Min/Max Word and Character Count

    Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your account! For Textbox and Essay/Long Answer questions you can set a Minimum and/or Maximum Character Count for entries in these fields. Essay/Long Answer questi...
  6. Group Answer Options in Surveys

    Using group names you can group long lists of answer options into subgroups. This approach can give your respondents more context.
  7. Answer Option Special Settings: Not Applicable, None/All of the Above

    Using our Special Settings, you can set up answer options such as "None of the above" or "Not applicable" so that other options cannot be selected in tandem.
  8. Add a Comment Field to Questions

    Use Comments to add an open-text comment field questions in your survey. Comments can be added to many question types in SurveyGizmo.
  9. Add Other Row Headers to Grid Questions

    Similar to how you can and an other, write in textbox to an answer option in a Radio Button or Checkbox question, you can also add an other, please specify row header to grid questions.
  10. Add an Other Textbox

    An other textbox is a text field that is associated with an answer option that typically reads "Other" or "Other (Please Specify)." Other textboxes allow respondents to provide an answer that is outs