New Articles

  1. Leading Practices: How To Improve Your Survey Email Invitations and Deliverability Rate

    Below, you will find some helpful tips on improving your email invitations and the deliverability rate from a blog post by our very own Sandy McKee. Additionally, check out our Email Deliverability article . We would like to share these email b...
  2. Define Your Own Reporting Values

    By default, Reporting Value for each answer option will be set to the same value as your answer title. However, there are many instances where you may want to define your own custom reporting values.
  3. Adding Survey Translations

    What You Will Learn Discover how to translate your survey with SurveyGizmo's translation feature to gain a world wide audience for your data collection. Add languages to a survey. Export survey fields to translate your survey. Share a t...
  4. Email or SMS Campaigns: Link Behavior

    In Email and SMS Campaigns, the save & continue functionality is controlled under Advanced Settings > Link Settings. There are three available options.
  5. Pre-populate a Survey Using a Login/Password Action

    Pre-populating surveys with data you already have is a fairly common need among survey administrators. In this tutorial we will cover how to pre-populate a survey using an Login Action.
  6. Great Survey Design Leading Practices

    An interactive course from the makers of SurveyGizmo. Learn how to master the six steps of the Great Survey Design Cycle: design and build surveys that address your business' or organization's needs, then collect and report on response data ...
  7. Pre-populate a Survey Using an Email Campaign

    Populating one survey with data from another is a fairly common need when running surveys over time. Say, for example, you ran a survey last year and this year you want to run that same survey with some additional questions. For respondents who co...
  8. Salesforce: Passing Dates

    Depending on what date you're trying to pass to Salesforce you'll have a few different options. Formatting System DateIf you're just passing the system date and you just need to make sure it's format
  9. Why Is the Font for Some of My Survey Questions Different?

    Here's the scenario, you finish building out your survey and you head over to the Style tab to tweak your survey's look and feel and the font of some of your questions is different. Sound familiar?
  10. Response ID Merge Code: How Can I Show Response ID in the Survey?

    Looking to use or display the response ID within the survey response? We're asked this question quite a bit in Support. We don't have a way to pull in the response ID number as these are assigned when the response is processed. Because the t...