New Articles

  1. Copy an Email Campaign Within a Survey

    One of the main benefits of copying an Email Campaign is the time that you save by not having to recreate messages and customize settings. Before you copy your campaign, note items that are not copied
  2. Verify Your Sign-Up Email Address

    When you sign up for a SurveyGizmo | Consumer Edition trial account, you will need to verify your email address before you can begin to collect response data.
  3. Set Up a Data Retention Policy

    Within SurveyGizmo, the Data Retention Policy (DRP) Settings allow Account Administrators to specify how long you wish to retain survey responses.
  4. Can I remove the /s3/ from my survey share link?

    Whether the SurveyGizmo domain or your own private domain in your share link you'll notice that there is a reference to an s3 directory. The /s3/ portion of the link cannot be removed; this is the reference to the directory where our surveys are stored.
  5. Move Progress Bar to the Top of the Page

    Looking to move your survey's Progress Bar to the top of the survey page? We get this question quite a bit. You'll need to make some tweaks to the HTML of your survey's theme. If you are familiar not with HTML, don't worry; it's ...
  6. Getting Started with Dynamic Surveys

    When we refer to dynamic surveys, we are talking about any survey that changes based on the respondent and/or the answers they provide while taking the survey.
  7. Complete a Data Processing Addendum (DPA)

    If you need to complete a Data Processing Addendum (DPA) for GDPR compliance, you can do so from within the SurveyGizmo application.
  8. Create a Pulse Survey

    Pulse surveys are rising in popularity as an employee feedback tool. These fast, efficient surveys allow HR teams to “check the pulse” of a company by collecting feedback from each employee.
  9. Create Privacy/Data Use Policy

    Thanks to our advanced privacy notice and opt-in consent process, our platform enables survey respondents to clearly understand how their data will be used.
  10. Convert Legacy Account to Licensed Account

    If you are an Account Administrator operating within a SurveyGizmo Legacy Plan, you can upgrade your account to the new plan model, but there are a few things you should be aware of.