New Articles

  1. Add or Remove Page Breaks

    To insert a page break, simply hover your mouse in between two elements where you wish to split your page and click the Page Break button.
  2. Add a Question

    To add a question to your survey click the target at the center of the blank page or click the Add New Question link at the bottom of the page.
  3. Create a Quiz

    Using a SurveyGizmo quiz you can create a pass/fail quiz or magazine-style tally quizzes – both of which score responses in real-time and give the respondent a score when they finish.
  4. Create a Form

    A Form project is essentially the same as a Survey. To create a form, click the arrow next to Create a Survey to see the additional types of projects and select Create Form. Give your form a name and
  5. Create a Poll

    Polls are a quick and interactive way to ask a single question of your website visitors. You can also choose to display realtime results to your respondents!
  6. Create a Survey

    Start by clicking the Create Survey button. Give your new survey a name and click Start Building.
  7. Log In Using Social Media Account

    In order to log in to SurveyGizmo with the Google account that you signed up with, navigate to the login page and select the Or log in with Google option.
  8. Copy Survey and Import Data

    SurveyGizmo gives you the tools to Copy your survey and to use the Data Import Tool to import the original survey's data into the copy. This can be accomplished by using the following features:
  9. Include Login Action Credentials in an Email Campaign Message

    You may want to include your survey respondents' login credentials in the body of the email message that they will be receiving.
  10. Tips for Building Efficient Survey Logic

    Logic is one of the trickiest SurveyGizmo features to master. We created this tutorial (with flowcharts!) to help you better understand how logic works and give you some tips for building efficient logic. Tip 1. When using logic in SurveyGizmo, ad...