New Articles

  1. Use Images In Slider Labels

    Often survey builders want to use images in labels of a Silder or a Slider List question. To do so, follow these steps! 1. Start by uploading the images you would like to use in your question to your File Library. These images should be re...
  2. Crash Course with a Salesforce Developer Account

    If you would like to test out Salesforce with your SurveyGizmo account, an easy way to do so is with a handy dandy Salesforce Developer account, which allows for one user and is also free of charge.
  3. Show a Random Set of Text/Instruction Fields

    You may have noticed that when setting up your survey page to randomly show a set of questions , text/instruction fields are not included! But of course, there's always a way to hack it with some JavaScript, so here we go! Check it out in an ...
  4. Sort Your Answer Options Alphabetically

    The following JavaScript code can take a dropdown menu question and automatically sort the options for you in the browser for all translations.
  5. Radio Button/Checkbox Grid: Make Other Row Fill-ins Required

    This JavaScript will disable and uncheck the other row's answer options unless text has been input in the Other Textbox.
  6. Reorder Questions

    To move a question, click and hold the crosshairs icon on the far right of your question. Then simply drag your question to its desired location and release.
  7. Swap Columns And Rows Of A Grid Question (Vertical Single Choice)

    If you want to display single choice in a Radio Button Grid vertically this JavaScript will do just this but record the data in the same format by row.
  8. Getting Started With Logic

    SurveyGizmo logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent, saving them time and you bad data. Logic can be applied to questions, options, pages, and actions. In this tutorial we'll get you started using logic. We'll c...
  9. Copy Questions or Pages

    To copy a page of questions, click the page icon to the upper-right of the page. This will create a duplicate of the copied page that will appear just below the copied page.
  10. What Is A Thank You or Terminal Page?

    SurveyGizmo surveys will always start with two pages, an initial page, called Page 1, and a Thank You Page. You will notice that the Thank You Page has fewer options for adding new elements.