How do I view results grouped by one question?

Response data can be grouped by questions through most reporting options. Each report can organize data in a slightly different way and allow for specific groups to be created and managed. Many times this is used to compare information along demographic or firmographic lines. This process varies from report type to report type.

Segments in the Standard Report

Adding segments to your Standard Report allows you to compare survey responses from different groups within a larger dataset via graphic interpretation. Segments can be set up to compare subgroups within the data.

Check out the Segmentation Tutorial to learn more about how this is configured.

Crosstab Report and Chi Square Statistic Tool

A Crosstab report allows you cross tabulate at least two questions, one on the horizontal axis and one of the vertical axis. The data collected can be examined to identify trends and patterns through deeper analysis.

Visit the Crosstab Report Tutorial to learn more about configuring this report type.

Comparison Report

A Comparison Report will allow you to compare all results split by the answers to a single question. This grouping can be set up based on a single question in your survey (such as Organization, Gender, Occupation, Question 42, etc). Reporting in this way can provide a unique perspective on your data.

Check out the Comparison Report Tutorial for more thorough explanation.

Filtered Summary Reports

Finally, you might choose to set up a series of filtered reports based on your question of interest. For example, create one summary report for Males and one for Females. You can print or create share links to each of these reports to compare the data side by side.

Check out our Filter Report Data Tutorial to learn more about filtering. We also have a great written tutorial and video tutorial with steps to Link One Report to Multiple Filtered Reports.

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