Yes, SurveyGizmo Account subscriptions (Account Managed excluded) can be purchased monthly or annually. When activating your SurveyGizmo account, you will see the option to select either a monthly or annual subscription.
Monthly subscriptions are not available for Account Managed accounts.
Convert to Monthly
Important! If you currently have an annual subscription of SurveyGizmo, you cannot convert your subscription to a monthly subscription until your subscription expires.
If you have a need to convert an active annual plan to a monthly plan, you will first need to cancel your annual subscription. After cancelling your subscription, you will continue to have access to your account until the end of your current subscription term. Once cancelled, your account will not auto-renew.
- To cancel your annual subscription, navigate to Account > Summary > Account Overview.
- Click the Cancel Subscription option in the Common Account Actions section.
- On the next screen, make sure to review the FAQs concerning your subscription and billing.
- Input your password, check the box to indicate that you have read everything, and click Cancel Paid Subscription to confirm.
Once cancelled, your annual subscription will not auto-renew. You will continue to have access to your account until the end of the subscription term.
At the end of your subscription, you can sign up for a monthly subscription of your same plan.
Why Can't I Convert to Monthly?
If you currently have an annual subscription of a SurveyGizmo Account, you cannot make changes to your term (converting to monthly) during the subscription. You can continue to upgrade/downgrade to a different annual plan, if needed.
If you wish to convert your annual plan to a monthly plan, you must first cancel your annual subscription.
Please note that monthly subscriptions are not available for Account Managed accounts.
— Mike.cordeiro on 05/21/2020
@Alberto: Thank you so much for your question!
The monthly plan will auto-renew. If one would like to move to free or cancel the account, complete the switch before the end of the billing cycle for that month. You will have access to the account as expected until the renewal date.
I hope this helps clarify!
Technical Writer
SurveyGizmo Learning and Development
— Alberto on 05/20/2020
Does the monthly plan automatically renew? Or at the end of the month my account becomes free and I have to do newly the procedure for another monthly plan?
— Mike.cordeiro on 04/17/2020
@prosple: Thank you for your question!
If you are currently under an annual subscription and would like to switch to monthly moving forward, the best practice is to make this change in the last month of the current annual subscription to monthly. Data will be held in your account when switching plans. If you are looking to take some time away from SurveyGizmo before coming back to a paid plan, I suggest downgrading to the free license level. Follow the documentation below to complete this:
I hope this helps clarify!
Technical Writer
SurveyGizmo Learning and Development
— Jeffery on 04/16/2020
Hi There, If I want to cancel my subscription to be able to convert to monthly payment, will I be able to access my surveys data once I renewed my plan?
— Bonnie Demuth on 12/03/2019
@Morgan: Thanks so much for your inquiry, and sorry for the trouble you’re experiencing. I’ve reached out to our sales team and someone will be in touch shortly to help you upgrade your license.
If you’d like to reach out to them directly, they can always be reached at
Thanks again and hope this helps!
SurveyGizmo Learning & Development Team
— Morgan on 12/03/2019
I want to upgrade to a more robust monthly option...but when I go to do that it tells me I have to cancel my account. This makes me nervous because I am afraid of loosing all my work. By cancelling and opening a new account will I loose my current surveys and data?
— Dave Domagalski on 10/09/2019
@Ki2: Thank you for your question!
Yes, you can cancel your account if on a monthly plan. You will want to do this prior to your account renewal date. The following instructions should help:
Technical Writer
SurveyGizmo Learning & Development
— Ki2 on 10/09/2019
What if I only need service for a few months? If I'm on a monthly plan can I cancel once my surveys are over? It's not the sort of service I need year-round.
— Dave Domagalski on 01/30/2019
@ Mwassenaar: Thanks for your note!
Plan pricing is available at:
Here, you can toggle between Monthly Pricing and Annual Pricing for the presented plans.
I hope this helps!
Technical Writer
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience
— Mwassenaar on 01/30/2019
Would still like to know what the monthly plans cost.