New Articles

  1. Use Signature Question Later in Survey

    This script will allow you to use a signature question's input later in a survey. Check it out in an example survey ! OR Add a survey with this setup to your account! Setup First set up your signature question. On a following page that y...
  2. Why Are the Option Buttons Not Displaying in My Survey?

    SurveyGizmo surveys use custom icons for radio button and checkboxes. These icons are more modern and easier to see and select than the default browser input icons. Unfortunately, respondents using Internet Explorer with high-security settings may...
  3. Change Please Select Text in Dropdown Menus

    Did you know you can customize the default Please Select text used in Dropdown Menus, Dropdown Menu Lists, Dropdown Menu Grids and the Cascading Dropdown Menu question types? You can also translate t
  4. Calculate Age From Birthday

    This JavaScript will calculate age from the date of birth entered in an open-text field.
  5. How to Find Element IDs to Use With JavaScript

    If you're using JavaScript you'll eventually need to find out where a element ID is. This tutorial will walk you through locating your element IDs.  Browsers: Each browser will have a different way to find your element ID. In this tut...
  6. Target a Specific Page with the Back Button

    Though this is not a built-in feature, we do have a script for that! In our survey below if you hit the back button you will be sent to the Thank You Page.
  7. Hide Other Textbox Until Other Option is Clicked

    In this tutorial we'll cover how to display an Other Textbox in a Radio Button or Checkbox question only after the associated answer option has been clicked.
  8. Features for Our International Customers

    Below, find a list of features and services customized or built specifically for our international customers, including data centers in the EU and Canada.
  9. Randomly Flip Scales Left to Right

    Survey researchers use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey can prevent bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can randomize q...
  10. Use Autofill JavaScript to Save Time Taking and Testing Surveys

    Ever get tired of clicking through your survey while testing? Adding some JavaScript to a bookmark can save you a ton of time! This tutorial will walk you through adding this bookmark to your browser