New Articles

  1. Standard Report: Report Options Vs. Layout & Options

    The Standard Report allows you to make edits and changes in a couple of different ways, depending on the scope of the changes that you are looking to make.
  2. Standard Report: Test Data

    If your survey has collected test responses via the Generate Test Responses or via manual testing, you will see a notification within your Standard Report.
  3. Grant Account Access to the SurveyGizmo Support Team

    At times, you may need to contact SurveyGizmo's Support Team with a question or a survey-related issue. Certain issues may require the Support Hero that you are working with to access your account an
  4. Run R Scripts in Standard Reports

    R is a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. It's used by statisticians, institutional researchers, and data scientists (among others) for modeling and visualizations.
  5. Store Slider Answers in Radio Button Question to Make Available in Quiz Scores, Results Charts, Etc.

    You can set up hidden Radio Button questions (which are commonly available throughout the application) to store your Slider values.
  6. Set Max Answers to Checkbox Question Dynamically Based on Previous Question Answer

    Often survey builders wish to set the maximum answers a respondent can provide to a checkbox question dynamically based on the value entered in a previous Textbox question.
  7. Account and Login FAQs

    Get answers to all your account and login questions and issues in this list of FAQs. Find information about trial accounts, the free plan, password resets, and other common account related questions.
  8. Available Icons

    Below, you will find a list of available icons that can be used in SurveyGizmo surveys. Use the instructions provided in Change Icons for Checkboxes and Radio Buttons in conjunction with the codes provided below. These icons will be supported by ...
  9. Website Intercept: Tracking When Survey is Offered and Clicked in Google Analytics

    Website Intercept surveys allow you to target visitors with content that can drive conversions or engagement through feedback surveys.
  10. Share & Collect - FAQs and Troubleshooting Tips

    SurveyGizmo offers a number of options for sharing your surveys with your audience. Share a generic link, email a list of respondents, or embed your survey on your website.