Pages are deleted by selecting the x at the top right of each page. Once selected, the page will be removed from the survey.
Looking to restore a deleted question or page in your survey? You can do so using the Restore link in the far right corner of the Build tab.
Simply click the Restore link and select the question or page you wish to restore from the dropdown menu. If you select a page, all questions that were present when it was deleted will be restored!
- The 10 most recently deleted questions will be available to restore.
- The 5 most recently deleted pages will be available to restore.
When you restore a question, response data that was collected via that question will also be restored.
— Dave Domagalski on 12/09/2016
@Claferla: Thank you for your question!
Often a survey will have multiple deleted pages (it can be difficult to restore the right ones if titles were not previously assigned). Are there other pages under your restore menu that might contain the questions that you are looking for?
Documentation Specialist/Survey Explorer
SurveyGizmo Customer Experience
— Mmilburn on 12/09/2016
I deleted a page, but when I clicked restore, a page reappeared without any of the questions that were on it.
— Bri Hillmer on 11/02/2015
@Oana: It can take a moment for deleted questions to appear. If you refresh you browser they should appear for you. I'm sorry for the trouble!
I hope this helps!
BrI Hillmer
Documentation Coordinator / Survey Sorceress
SurveyGizmo Support
— Stefania on 11/02/2015
I could not retrieve the deleted question